Category Shipping This Week

Check here for your weekly rundown on just what Diamond is shipping out to the comic stores.

Shipping This Week | Wednesday, April 27th, 2010

This week's shipment has a bunch of goodies in it including a soft cover version of one of my favourite graphic novel from last year Abandoned Cars, a new BPRD tpb - which is odd since I thought I was completely up to date and a new copy of previews for you to put in your bathroom. Oh and the uber-dissapointing Flash Rebirth TPB... the irony that it was always late was not lost on CBD.

Read MoreShipping This Week | Wednesday, April 27th, 2010

Shipping This Week | April 7th, 2010

Check out what comics and graphic novels will be hitting your local comic book shop this Wednesday, April 7th. The best thing coming out this week? a double dose of Batman & Robin with the first six issues collected as well as the second issue of Batman vs. Robin. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Jonathan Hickman's highly ambitious and beautifully illustrated SHIELD series.... and.. Oh jeez, Spider-Man:Fever by the always amazing Brendan McCarthy! Not too shabby a week!

Read MoreShipping This Week | April 7th, 2010

Shipping This Week | March 31st, 2010

Check out what comics and graphic novels will be hitting your local comic book shop this Wednesday, March 31st. Congrats to IDW for it's first week as a Diamond Premiere Company! Among the most notable releases: X-Men Second Coming #1 and with it the last cover David Finch is going to do for Marvel for a bit, Godland #31 - goddamned do I love Tom Scioli! - and the wrap up to Rucka and Williams' 'Tec run!

Read MoreShipping This Week | March 31st, 2010