Shipping This Week | June 9th, 2010
update your pull lists with info for what's coming out tomorrow in all fine comic book shoppes!
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Check here for your weekly rundown on just what Diamond is shipping out to the comic stores.
update your pull lists with info for what's coming out tomorrow in all fine comic book shoppes!
This week's shipment has a bunch of goodies in it including a soft cover version of one of my favourite graphic novel from last year Abandoned Cars, a new BPRD tpb - which is odd since I thought I was completely up to date and a new copy of previews for you to put in your bathroom. Oh and the uber-dissapointing Flash Rebirth TPB... the irony that it was always late was not lost on CBD.
What's Shipping Wednesday April 21st including Brian Wood's new take on DV8, Green Lantern gets the Absolute treatment, Will Eisner's Spirit gets another revival and Jeff Smith's very adult time travel story RASL gets a second collection.
Check out what comics and graphic novels will be hitting your local comic book shop this Wednesday, April 7th. The best thing coming out this week? a double dose of Batman & Robin with the first six issues collected as well as the second issue of Batman vs. Robin. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Jonathan Hickman's highly ambitious and beautifully illustrated SHIELD series.... and.. Oh jeez, Spider-Man:Fever by the always amazing Brendan McCarthy! Not too shabby a week!
Check out what comics and graphic novels will be hitting your local comic book shop this Wednesday, March 31st. Congrats to IDW for it's first week as a Diamond Premiere Company! Among the most notable releases: X-Men Second Coming #1 and with it the last cover David Finch is going to do for Marvel for a bit, Godland #31 - goddamned do I love Tom Scioli! - and the wrap up to Rucka and Williams' 'Tec run!
Check out what comics and graphic novels will be hitting your local comic book shop this Wednesday, March 24th. This includes the second collection of Phonogram, a comic adaptation of the critically loved web-series The Guild and much, much more.
Check out what comics and graphic novels will be hitting your local comic book shop this Wednesday, March 17th. Including Hercules' Fall of an Avenger, Frank Quitely's long out of print Batman: The Scottish Connection (reprinted in Batman International) and Matt Wagner's Green Hornet: Year One.
Check out what comics and graphic novels will be hitting your local comic book shop this Wednesday, March 10th. Included are new Batman and Robin. Another installment of the Classic-In-The-Making storyline from the boys at BPRD. Oh and one of my favourite comics coming out right now: Jersey Gods!
Check out what comics and graphic novels will be hitting your local comic book shop this Wednesday, March 3rd. Including New Authority tpbs, Planetary HC Vol 4 and much, much more.. (oh and new True Story Swear to god! sweet!)
Check out what comics and graphic novels will be hitting your local comic book shop this wednesday Feb. 24th!
Here's a list of all the goodies hitting your local comic shop this Wednesday..
Every Tuesday Pete and Dave sift through the Diamond Comics shipping list and pick out our favourites. It’s always a good time. Check back often as they update pretty sporadically as stuff pops into their heads. BLOOD SONG SILENT BALLAD…
Every Tuesday Pete and Dave sift through the Diamond Comics shipping list and pick out our favourites. It’s always a good time. Check back often as they update pretty sporadically as stuff pops into their heads. AGE OF REPTILES JOURNEY…
Every Tuesday Pete and Dave sift through the Diamond Comics shipping list and pick out our favourites. It’s always a good time. Check back often as they update pretty sporadically as stuff pops into their heads. BPRD 1947 #4 (OF…
Every Tuesday Pete and Dave sift through the Diamond Comics shipping list and pick out our favourites. It’s always a good time. BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #29 CARNEVALE CVR BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #29 JEANTY CVR EXURBIA TP GRANDVILLE HC…
Every Tuesday Pete and Dave sift through the Diamond Comics shipping list and pick out our favourites. It’s always a good time. DARK HORSE COMICS ALIENS #3 (OF 4) APPLEGEEKS TP VOL 02 WEIRD SCIENCE BERSERK VOL 31 (MR) BTVS…
Hey, we’re back and we’re taking a look at some of the coolest stuff coming out this shipping date and why you need to have it! ARCHIE #601 David: The next issue in the Archie marries Veronica story arc! I’m…
Make your way into your favourite comic book store and look for the following items! Dark Horse: ACHEWOOD HC VOL 02 WORST SONG PLAYED PETE: Achewood haunts my dreams. Probably one of the most surreal and hilarious web-comics that’s ever…
Make sure you drop by every week so you can be up to date on what Diamond Comics is shipping!