Category Reviews

Iron Man 2.0 #7

Hammers have fallen from the sky left and right, one of which lands in Beijing near Sun Wukong, the Monkey King. After failing to lift the hammer, Absorbing Man and Titania arrive to secure it. Soon after, the Immortal Weapons arrive after being summoned together to close the gate to the eighth city. Wukong awaits them as they regain consciousness, while James Rhodes struggles to understand why he's there with them at all.

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Daredevil #1

Coming off the worst stretch of his life, Matt Murdock left New York and travelled cross-country to find himself. After a brief stay in New Mexico, Murdock rediscovered his nature after helping a small town overcome its problem with some aggressive locals. Upon returning to New York though, Murdock must face the consequences of his actions.

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X-Men Schism #1 (of 5)

Mutantkind has been to the brink and back, and at least it would seem, have finally found some measure of peace for themselves. That all gets thrown out the window as Schism promises to drive a wedge between their ranks leaving Cyclops and Wolverine on opposite sides of the battlefield.

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Green Lantern #67

Green Lantern #67 arrived in stores last week, and with its arrival, the War of the Green Lanterns epic also concluded. With this issue, volume four of the title ended. The only question is whether it ended on a low-note or a high one. Forward!

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Vengeance #1 (of 6)

For every man there is a defining moment that separates the life he knew from that which he must now acclimate himself to. The event propels him to the next stage of his existence and beyond any semblance of inaction their prior life knew. This is a story of Vengeance.

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Bokurano: Ours

Bokurano: Ours is a manga created by Mohiro Kitoh. The Earth will be attacked fifteen times by a giant robot. The robot will be different each time. Fifteen junior high school kids are “tasked” to defend Earth by piloting a…

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Uncanny X-Men #539

Hope is a special young lady. Saddled with a destiny that will either save the world or destroy it, depending on who you ask anyway, she indirectly leads a team of the first new mutants since M-Day stripped mutantkind of their numbers. Continually a target, Hope has found some refuge on the island of Utopia with the rest of the X-Men.

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Hal Jordan #1 (Movie Prequel)

By now you'll have seen the Green Lantern movie, and if you haven't, you probably won't at all. To supplement the film, DC opted to release five tie-in one-shots focusing on characters in the movie. Preceded by issues focusing on Tomar Re, Kilowog and Abin Sur, the fourth one-shot centres on Hal Jordan and is penned by Green Lantern guru and one of the film's writers in Greg Berlanti.

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Green Arrow #13

As Brightest Day concluded, so did J.T. Krul's run on the title as of issue 12. Writer James Patrick joins Agustin Padilla as the new creative team behind Green Arrow, so let's see how this new team stacks up to the past year of Green Arrow stories.

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Wolves is the latest mini-comic from Becky Cloonan.  It follows a man on a hunt for a werewolf.  The story is told in 20 pages of black and white art. I like Wolves a lot.  The story is told in…

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X-Men: Prelude to Schism 3

Mutantkind stands idle in its darkest hour. With a dire threat quickly approaching Utopia, the X-Men stand waiting for Cyclops, their General, to make a calculated decision on how they are to proceed. Seeking counsel from both Professor Xavier and Magneto, Scott Summers' biggest decision as a leader rests at his feet.

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Elias The Cursed

Our last review of Humanoids week on Comic Book Daily: Elias The Cursed by Corrado Mastantuono and Sylviane Corgiat.  Here’s the publisher’s blurb: [quote]Fallen king Elias is on a quest to reclaim the face that was stolen from him by…

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X-Men Legacy #250

After being stuck in limbo X-Men Legacy readers get a giant-sized mystery and a new team on a mission to find Legion's missing personas. The title is one of few Marvel series to have avoided renumbering and is known as the title staying honest to each characters history.
In the character-driven issue every beat of the plot flows fluidly from panel to panel in what might become the last surviving X-book.

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Screaming Planet

Humanoids week continues at Comic Book Daily with a look at Alexandro Jodorowsky’s Screaming Planet.  Here’s the publisher’s blurb: [quote]All that remains of a prosperous, warm planet destroyed by the madness of its inhabitants many years ago…A living piece of…

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Fear Itself: Deadpool #1

Fear Itself is the biggest comic event this summer. Large, strong, burly chracters are getting hammers left and right, transforming into these cool god-like bad-asses. In all this you may be asking, "where's Deadpool? What's Wade up to?" To answer that question, friends, I've entertained looking at Deadpool's participation in this little summer event. It's Hamma-time!

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