Pick 5 | Music Stars in Comic Movies
Super Bowl 47 happened not too long ago, and music mega superstar Beyoncé rocked the half time show. Like a lot of music stars, Beyoncé has been in the movies. Her most famous role (to us people who like comics…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Super Bowl 47 happened not too long ago, and music mega superstar Beyoncé rocked the half time show. Like a lot of music stars, Beyoncé has been in the movies. Her most famous role (to us people who like comics…
Recently I was cleaning up and organizing my DVD collection. I love movies and I own a lot of them. It takes a while to go through them all. I try to keep all my comic book movies in one…
Okay, so yesterday the nerd world exploded with the news of Disney acquiring Lucasfilm and announcing a 7th Star Wars movie. There will be a lot of negative talk (because that is what the internet is for) about monopolies but…
Heroes will get knocked down. Their morale will drain. Sometimes they can’t fight anymore. When that happens the hero has to look deep inside, and try to find that special something that made them a hero to begin with. Once…
I know I’ve done several Pick 5’s about music before, but this week it is a bit different. Here is my Pick 5 Superheroes in Music, but this time with video accompaniment. #5 – Paradise City (Guns n Roses) Paradise…
Last week the movie posters were released for this summer’s G.I. Joe Retaliation. One of the posters featured was of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as Roadblock. Dwayne Johnson also had a recent successful appearance at Wrestlemania, which proved he is…
It’s Easter weekend and many of you may be recovering from a chocolate bunny induced coma. It’s also a time of year that we think about death and resurrection. Whether it is in the biblical sense, or the changes of…
The year is winding down so Pick Five will be focusing on top items for the remainder of the year to aid in reading and Christmas shopping. This week: top translated comics.
The year is winding down so Pick Five will be focusing on top items for the remainder of the year to aid in reading and Christmas shopping. This week: top graphic novels.
The year is winding down so Pick Five will be focusing on top items for the remainder of the year to aid in reading and Christmas shopping. This week: top collected editions.
The year is winding down so Pick Five will be focusing on top items for the remainder of the year to aid in reading and Christmas shopping. This week: top comic strip reprint collections. 5. The Complete Johnny Comet The…
November is coming to a close, and many men around the country have been sporting mustaches in support of “Movember“. This initiative is to bring awareness to men’s health, and especially prostate cancer. In honour of all these men, who’ve decided…
Like comic books, trading cards were booming back in the 90’s. Trading cards are very popular now. Card battle games are everywhere. Back in the 90’s, cards were very basic and they were just a collector’s card. Impel released Marvel…
New York Comicon 2011 just passed and here are my top five announcements. Dive right in.
On my last Pick 5 I talked about Halloween Costumes. I listed 5 cool costumes I found on officialsuperherocostumes.com, I was looking at their site more and found some really cool masks. So this week’s Pick 5 are some of my…
Halloween is fast approaching and time is running short to find a costume. If you are creative and can whip something together you’re already off to a good start. But if you are like me, who can’t sew worth a…
Now that fall is upon us, images are popping up on the interwebs of the toys that will be coming to Canadian retail before Christmas and early 2012. As you know from my other columns, I collect toys. G.I. Joe…
Everybody looks cooler when you have a cool vehicle. Superheroes are no exception. Here are some of my favourite Superhero vehicles. #5 Fantasticar The Fantastic Four is a family. Families take vacations and road trips, like to the Negative Zone. The Fantasticar…
Scoring an exclusive interview, on record, at Fan Expo can be a difficult but rewarding task. The artists and writers featured at this event have a lot of interesting things to say – be it about their current titles or…
Fan Expo is this week and here’s my Pick Five: top five Fan Expo guests. Completely my opinion but that is the one that matters most…to me. 5. Chris Claremont I can’t remember the last time I saw Claremont at…