Review: Batman and Robin #4
I’m very protective of Batman. It’s a problem I have as a person that I really think I should get checked out. You see I honestly believe that Batman is one of – if not THE – best literary character…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Championing Comics
I’m very protective of Batman. It’s a problem I have as a person that I really think I should get checked out. You see I honestly believe that Batman is one of – if not THE – best literary character…
Today(ish) in Twitter is a regular column wherein our staff troll through the best of the 140 letter updates of the comic book world. ComicBookDaily is not responsible for the content of these tweets, but we will admit to laughing…
Let’s look into the cesspool that we call the internet and see what we can dredge up from the internet forum pool. There’s not actually any content by Bendis in this thread. But the post is a repost by…
Hey, we’re back and we’re taking a look at some of the coolest stuff coming out this shipping date and why you need to have it! ARCHIE #601 David: The next issue in the Archie marries Veronica story arc! I’m…
We’re back with the final batch of interviews from this year’s Fan Expo. Today, we have a guest interviewer; our very own Shelley Smarz doing the honors with Agnes Garbowska, the writer and artist of You, Me and Zombie. You…
Our good friends at Two A$%^%$ talk about Nerd Stuff were lucky enough to get an exclusive sitdown interview with Marvel’s Editor in Chief Joe Quesada. Wikipedia informs me that Quesada “is an American comic book editor, writer and artist……
We’re back with some more interviews from this year’s Fan Expo in Toronto. We’ve got our editor in chief, Pete Decourcy speaking with Cameron Stewart and Ray Fawkes about Apocalipstix and some of their future projects. As always, look below…
It’s very rare these days to find a writer/artist getting their own on-going series. (Well, unless you’re Paul Pope.. but I’m sure even he had to start somewhere – Kodansha if memory serves.) So the fact that Jeff Lemire, a…
Make your way into your favourite comic book store and look for the following items! Dark Horse: ACHEWOOD HC VOL 02 WORST SONG PLAYED PETE: Achewood haunts my dreams. Probably one of the most surreal and hilarious web-comics that’s ever…
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back once more to the Comic Book Daily creator profiles. This time around we have an interview from the Toronto Fan Expo with the new artist for Fantastic Four; Dale Eaglesham. Conducted by our very own…
Nothing like some good old fashioned mud slinging about late art in comic books. Take a gander at the quotes by Bryan Hitch and John Byrne and take away what you can. There’s a lot of great discussion about whether…
West Coast Blues is the first book resulting from Fantagraphics’ recently announced commitment to bring more work from French new wave creator Jacques Tardi. Tardi has long been one of the most highly regarded artists in Europe, Art Spiegelman writer/artist…
Warren Ellis once said, sometime, somewhere long ago that, “the idea of superheroes dominating comic books was as ludicrous as all novels only being written about nurses.” What he means is that we have in ‘sequential art’ is a intelligent…
Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the first installment of ComicBookDaily’s creator profiles and interviews. We recently had the great pleasure of speaking with Chris Giarusso; the creator of the Mini Marvels for Marvel and G-Man for image comics. We talk…
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While feature starts soon.
Look for our first post Monday October 19th.
We’ll be uploading all of our audio interviews and the Comic Culture weekly radio show starting in September.
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