Category Championing Comics

Championing Comics

Shipping This Week | April 7th, 2010

Check out what comics and graphic novels will be hitting your local comic book shop this Wednesday, April 7th. The best thing coming out this week? a double dose of Batman & Robin with the first six issues collected as well as the second issue of Batman vs. Robin. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Jonathan Hickman's highly ambitious and beautifully illustrated SHIELD series.... and.. Oh jeez, Spider-Man:Fever by the always amazing Brendan McCarthy! Not too shabby a week!

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Shipping This Week | March 31st, 2010

Check out what comics and graphic novels will be hitting your local comic book shop this Wednesday, March 31st. Congrats to IDW for it's first week as a Diamond Premiere Company! Among the most notable releases: X-Men Second Coming #1 and with it the last cover David Finch is going to do for Marvel for a bit, Godland #31 - goddamned do I love Tom Scioli! - and the wrap up to Rucka and Williams' 'Tec run!

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Comic Culture Podcast

Comic Culture Podcast – March 10th 2010 This week Comic Culture’s hosts Walter Durajlija and Chris Owen discuss things like the new Batman arc, last month’s top selling comic books and next week’s Wizard World Toronto comic book convention. Pour…

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