Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Category Championing Comics
Championing Comics
I Braved the Toronto Cartoonist Workshop
Like a lot of people, I’ve thought about writing comics. Sometimes, while riding the subway, I’ll come up with characters and give them superpowers. Other times I’ll take my favourite characters and put them in new situations (What would Wolverine…
Wizard World Toronto: Cameron Stewart
I had interviewed Cameron Stewart last year at Fan Expo just before word had broken about his three issue stint on Grant Morrison’s Batman & Robin. This shouldn’t really have come as much of a surprise as Stewart been a…
Wizard World Toronto: The Dealer reports and more
Welcome to yet another ComicBookDaily.com Convention report. This time around we’re looking at the dealers and throwing in some miscellaneous pictures and comments! Those of you who want to check out our other reports on the con can find them…
Shipping This Week | March 31st, 2010
Comic Culture Interview – ComicLink’s Douglas Gillock
Wizard World Toronto: Max Brooks
Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to interview a significant number of people. For the most part, it’s been a solid and decent experience. Sometimes it’s kind of business like and you get the answers in a cordial fashion. …
Comic Culture Podcast – March 24th
Shipping This Week | Wednesday, March 24th 2010
A review of the Twilight Graphic Novel
Twilight. Where do I begin? Stephanie Meyer’s sparkly vampire books make tweens and their moms weak in the knees. They’ve spawned two (and counting) movies, which have grossed insane amounts of money, more merchandise than any thirteen year old girl…
Comic Culture Podcast
Comic Culture Podcast – March 10th 2010 This week Comic Culture’s hosts Walter Durajlija and Chris Owen discuss things like the new Batman arc, last month’s top selling comic books and next week’s Wizard World Toronto comic book convention. Pour…
Today(ish) in Twitter – Friday, March 19th, 2010
Today(ish) in Twitter is a regular column wherein our staff troll through the best of the 140 letter updates of the comic book world. ComicBookDaily is not responsible for the content of these tweets, but we will admit to laughing…
Today(ish) in Twitter – Wedneday March 17th, 2010
Today(ish) in Twitter is a regular column wherein our staff troll through the best of the 140 letter updates of the comic book world. ComicBookDaily is not responsible for the content of these tweets, but we will admit to laughing…
Shipping This Week: March 17th, 2010
Comic Culture Podcast – March 10th 2010
Of Mystery and Macabre: the Guy Davis Art Exhibition
On February 27, Artoriginals put on an art show featuring master storyteller Guy Davis. I’ve long been a fan of Guy’s deceptively simple art style, since I picked up the first collection of Sandman Mystery Theatre. Davis has long been…
Comic Culture
Shipping This Week: March 10th, 2010
Sneak Peek: Jacques Tardi's It Was the War of the Trenches
I don’t think I’ve kept quiet about being a fan of master comicbook artist Jacques Tardi. The fact is – I want to go back and redo my review and then do another one on The Bloody Streets of Paris,…
Today(ish) in Twitter – Friday, March
Today(ish) in Twitter is a regular column wherein our staff troll through the best of the 140 letter updates of the comic book world. ComicBookDaily is not responsible for the content of these tweets, but we will admit to laughing…