Category Championing Comics

Championing Comics

Review: Daredevil #508

Writer: Andy Diggle and Antony Johnston Artist: Roberto de le Torre Colours: Matt Hollingsworth Letters: Joe Caramagna Shadowland has begun, and for the residents of Hell’s Kitchen and Marvel’s costumed heroes that can only mean one thing: either band together,…

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Review: Shadowland #1

Writer: Andy Diggle Pencils: Billy Tan Inks: Batt Colours: Christina Strain In Daredevil: The List, the Diggle penned one-shot written last year tying into Dark Reign, the renowned assassin Bullseye destroyed an apartment complex and killed over 100 people in…

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Comic Culture Radio Podcast – July 7th

Comic Culture’s second hour long show has Joe Shuster Award Committee members Rob Haines and Kevin Boyd joining the fray! Hosts Walter Durajlija and Chris Owen ask the questions that must be asked! Lots of cool comic stuff covered this week. So sit back, relax then click the link below, it will take you to itunes. In itunes click the play arrow that comes up as you select the 6/30 podcast at the top.

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A Shadowland Primer

Shadowland is about to descend upon Marvel’s heroes. With the summer event drawing ever closer, this week we’re previewing the potential blockbuster that will pit a dozen of Marvel’s best characters ranging from super powered arachnids to adept martial arts…

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Comic Culture Radio Podcast – June 30th

Comic Culture's first hour long show! Hosts Walter Durajlija and Chris Owen have upped the ante and are now producing hour long shows for your enjoyment. This week Chris subjects Walt to a surprise quiz with disastrous results, the boys also tackle other comic book related issues like the Hastings expansion into comic books, the Suicide Girls and a whole bunch of other neat comic book type stuff. So sit back, relax then click the link below, it will take you to itunes. In itunes click the play arrow that comes up as you select the 6/30 podcast at the top. Enjoy.

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