Category Championing Comics

Championing Comics

Fear Itself: Deadpool #1

Fear Itself is the biggest comic event this summer. Large, strong, burly chracters are getting hammers left and right, transforming into these cool god-like bad-asses. In all this you may be asking, "where's Deadpool? What's Wade up to?" To answer that question, friends, I've entertained looking at Deadpool's participation in this little summer event. It's Hamma-time!

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Retailer Q | #1: DC Reboot

Welcome to Retailer Q, spinning 52Q’s format at top Canadian comic retailers. Comic Book Daily asks the question and our retail friends give their perspective.
DC’s announcement of rebooting their line with 52 series debuting in September, releasing in print and digital on the same day, has taken the comic world by storm. As a comics retailer what impact do you foresee? How will this change affect you?

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Day Of The Magicians

It’s Humanoids week on Comic Book Daily: today we’re looking at Day Of the Magicians by Michelangelo La Neve and Marco Nizzoli.  Here’s the publisher’s blurb: [quote]Drazen has completed his training as a Magician and is determined to fulfill the…

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Batman Arkham City #2

Last week issue two of the Arkham City mini-series was released. The mini-series, serving as the bridge between the highly successful video game, Batman: Arkham Asylum and its sequel Arkham City, is five issues long and looks to elaborate on the story after the first game while setting up the conditions for the follow-up. Does the book measure up to the game, or is it just another video game-comic book tie in? Onward!

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Movie Cameos

With the recent release of X-Men First Class (which features two cameos), I got thinking about cameo appearances in our favourite Super Hero movies.  Easily there could be a Pick 5 list on just Stan Lee’s appearances alone (hmm… maybe a…

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Flashpoint #2

We're back again this week with the other major comic book crossover offering this summer, Flashpoint. This week Flashpoint and Fear Itself both saw releases so it only seemed fitting to look at them both. Here...we...GO!

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Fear Itself #3

Marvel's summer blockbuster mini-series continues with issue three of Fear Itself. Facing down the Norse god of fear, Marvel's superheroes continue to lose some of their own ranks with every new mystical hammer that falls from the sky. At this point it can't get any worse, right? Forward march!

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not simple

I have only read a few of the manga created by Natsume Ono.  My favourite and, in my opinion, her best manga is not simple.  not simple is about Ian.  He comes from a very dysfunctional family.  The only person…

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Action Comics #901

Writer: Paul Cornell Artist: Kenneth Rocafort (p. 1-10, 18-20), Jesus Merino (p.11-17) Colours: Brad Anderson Letterer: Rob Leigh Cover: Kenneth Rocafort; Dan Jurgens and Andrew Dalhouse (variant) Publisher: DC comics   This week I’m looking at Action Comics #901, which…

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Superheroes in Pop

As we all know, Super Heroes (and comic characters) are pop culture icons.  It only makes sense that these characters would show up in places other than comic books.  Here are 5 songs that feature Super Heroes.  There are lots…

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Kill Shakespeare #11

Kill Shakespeare has been a hugely successful book over the last year. With the penultimate issue, the battle for Shakespeare's life and the world of the Bard is coming to a head in the final battle. Lines are drawn and alliances are solidified as the series moves closer towards its conclusion. Onward!

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Review: Batman and Robin #23

Judd Winick. His name polarizes comic book readers it seems. Gracing everything from Green Lantern to Green Arrow, and up to and including Outsiders and Batman, the writer returns to the Batman universe for a three issue arc on Batman and Robin with a story centered on the character he brought back from the grave. Jason Todd returns in this issue, but just what is up his sleeve is anyone's guess. Onward ho!

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