Category Championing Comics

Championing Comics

The Hounds Of Hell

With a title that exciting The Hounds Of Hell was a must read for me this week after a visit to my local comic book shop.  Here’s the publisher’s blurb: Philippe Thirault (Writer) Christian Højgaard (Line art) Drazen Kovacevic (Line…

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Iron Man 2.0 #7

Hammers have fallen from the sky left and right, one of which lands in Beijing near Sun Wukong, the Monkey King. After failing to lift the hammer, Absorbing Man and Titania arrive to secure it. Soon after, the Immortal Weapons arrive after being summoned together to close the gate to the eighth city. Wukong awaits them as they regain consciousness, while James Rhodes struggles to understand why he's there with them at all.

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Daredevil #1

Coming off the worst stretch of his life, Matt Murdock left New York and travelled cross-country to find himself. After a brief stay in New Mexico, Murdock rediscovered his nature after helping a small town overcome its problem with some aggressive locals. Upon returning to New York though, Murdock must face the consequences of his actions.

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X-Men Schism #1 (of 5)

Mutantkind has been to the brink and back, and at least it would seem, have finally found some measure of peace for themselves. That all gets thrown out the window as Schism promises to drive a wedge between their ranks leaving Cyclops and Wolverine on opposite sides of the battlefield.

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Green Lantern #67

Green Lantern #67 arrived in stores last week, and with its arrival, the War of the Green Lanterns epic also concluded. With this issue, volume four of the title ended. The only question is whether it ended on a low-note or a high one. Forward!

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#2: Cosmic Odyssey

Welcome back to Absolute-ly, a feature that focuses on what comic should receive the “absolute” treatment: any story from any publisher.  A call to arms of hardcover comic book fans. Mike Mignola was in the second phase of his career;…

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Glamourpuss with Dave Sim

After a few weeks of back and fourth, Sim and I finally sat down to discuss his adventure into Glamourpuss. It was a muggy day in June when we met at the Metropolitan Hotel at Chestnut St. and Dundas Ave. to discuss Glamourpuss and were she's headed in the future - when she gets out of jail for allegedly smuggling cocaine that is.

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Vengeance #1 (of 6)

For every man there is a defining moment that separates the life he knew from that which he must now acclimate himself to. The event propels him to the next stage of his existence and beyond any semblance of inaction their prior life knew. This is a story of Vengeance.

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Bokurano: Ours

Bokurano: Ours is a manga created by Mohiro Kitoh. The Earth will be attacked fifteen times by a giant robot. The robot will be different each time. Fifteen junior high school kids are “tasked” to defend Earth by piloting a…

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Uncanny X-Men #539

Hope is a special young lady. Saddled with a destiny that will either save the world or destroy it, depending on who you ask anyway, she indirectly leads a team of the first new mutants since M-Day stripped mutantkind of their numbers. Continually a target, Hope has found some refuge on the island of Utopia with the rest of the X-Men.

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