Category Championing Comics

Championing Comics

Mirror Mind

Mirror Mind is a compelling autobiography of Tory Woollcott‘s childhood as she struggles to overcome dyslexia.  The story is very engrossing.  Parts of it can make you laugh, cry and angry at what Tory goes through. Dyslexia is a learning…

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I’m a fan of Humberto Ramos and his very unique art style.  It’s not for everyone but if you’re a fan then you probably pick up all his work.  Which I thought I had until I read somewhere on the…

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X-Men Legacy #253

This week we're looking at X-Men Legacy #253, the concluding issue to an arc which has seen Legion and a band of X-Men including Rogue, Gambit and Magneto travel around the world to secure Legion's lost mutant "prisoners."

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Fear Itself #5 (of 7)

There’s nothing to fear except fear itself. In this case, the characters of the Marvel universe are faced with their worst fears as the Serpent slithers into their lives. Those fears are made reality as one by one they lose their own, and one by one they realize they may not win this battle. The Serpent has risen, and the tide of the battle may have swung forever against their favour.

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Heroes for Hire #10

The hammers of the worthy have plummeted to the earth, with each recipient now serving an ancient god of fear. One of these hammers arrived in the hands of Ben Grimm, better known as the Thing. Now an unstoppable abomination, Thing rampages throughout his neighbourhood while former prisoners of the raft run loose--among them the fear mirroring fiend known as Monster and Purple Man. The only thing standing in their way? Paladin, Gargoyle, Shroud and Elektra.

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Flashpoint #4 (of 5)

Everything changed in a flash, and before he knew what happened, Barry Allen's life as he knew it was dramatically changed. With nothing as it should be, Barry painstakingly attempts to solve Zoom's puzzle before the memories of his former life are replaced forever.

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T Shirts

Yesterday I was at the 80’s Toy Expo, and I found a really cool T shirt (check out my column later this week for more details).  This gave me an idea.  I hit a website I have bought from before,…

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Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search for Swamp Thing #2

At the conclusion of Brightest Day, Alec Holland rose from the grave and again became Swamp Thing. After fighting off his dark doppelganger, the Swamp Thing entity lashed out at transnational corporations responsible for the world's environmental concerns. John Constantine is next on its hitlist, but the question is, why? Constantine visits Gotham to meet with Batman and leaves town after gaining his opinion on combating Swamp Thing and the strange infection that's befallen the wily sorcerer.

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Uncanny X-Force #12

After travelling into the AoA dimension along with Dark Beast to recover the Life Seed, the team is left stranded when Dark Beast leaves once the dimension's mutants destroy the Seed. It being the only thing that can save Warren, X-Force is left scrambling for both a way home and solution to save their friend. The remaining mutants in the world take X-Force to Atlantis where they meet the leaders of Mutantkind: an aged Magneto and Jean Grey.

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