Category Championing Comics

Championing Comics

Green Arrow #1

This week we're also taking a look at another of the new DC 52 number ones, this time the Emerald Archer himself, Green Arrow. Coming off a tumultuous year in the life of Oliver Queen, the series has been rebooted, taking Oliver Queen back to a location he's not been in some time. Intrigued? Then read forth.

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This is billed as a humour story for children eight and up. The story is very straightforward with that Powell sensibility: a bearded girl finds a monster and takes it back with her to the circus. She encounters a witch that later makes a deal with a pharmaceutical company; in the process she's kidnapped and eventually is freed by her monster.

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Superhero Vehicles

Everybody looks cooler when you have a cool vehicle.  Superheroes are no exception.  Here are some of my favourite Superhero vehicles. #5 Fantasticar The Fantastic Four is a family.  Families take vacations and road trips, like to the Negative Zone.  The Fantasticar…

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Death Of Cap

Just came across the web site of amazing artist R. Kikuo Johnson: another stunning illustrator I’ve missed along the way.  Take a look at this amazing piece that was done for the New York Times. Invoking raising the flag on Iwo…

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Beginning’s end bittersweet for ‘Kill Shakespeare’ creators

Life could be perceived as a series of acts, each of us living out the drama of our lives in a microcosm of the whole day in and day out. Existence is a play, with each component of the greater story being told a piece at a time; before we know it, the curtains close on a chapter of life and the crowd disperses for intermission, anticipating the next part of the story.

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Turf from Jonathan Ross and Tommy Lee Edwards looked interesting; 1929 New York with a vampire problem and aliens.  After reading it I think they should have done 1929 New York with vampires and a second book with 1929 New…

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