Category Championing Comics

Championing Comics

Retailer Q | #6: Halloween FCBD

Welcome to Retailer Q, spinning 52Q’s format at top Canadian comic retailers. Comic Book Daily asks the question and our retail friends give their perspective.
Diamond discussed at NYCC this year the possibility of a second Free Comic Book Day event in 2012 for Halloween. Can the comic industry, and more specifically comic retailers, support and maintain a successful second FCBD-like event?

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Comic Book Mustaches

November is coming to a close, and many men around the country have been sporting mustaches in support of “Movember“. This initiative is to bring awareness to men’s health, and especially prostate cancer. In honour of all these men, who’ve decided…

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The Keep

Vaguely remembering the movie I saw a solicit for The Keep hardcover collection from IDW so I put in an order at my local comic shop. The keep had stood empty in the Transylvanian Alps for 500 years. No one…

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Web Arted Nov 18th

A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days. Classic X-Men page  by John Bolton.  Source. Batman by Rafael Albuquerque.  Source. Tintin by Noel Tuazon.  Source. Darkseid by Jim Lee.  Source. Amazing Adventures cover by John…

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Nursery Rhyme Comics

Something out of the ordinary hits comic book shop shelves last month: Nursery Rhyme Comics from First Second. Having seen some previews and a substantial build up I anxiously read it through. [quote]First Second is very proud to present Nursery…

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Green Lantern #3

Spiraling out of the events of The War of the Green Lanterns, the Green Lantern title found itself in uncharted territory with long-time GL antagonist Sinestro back in the green and black. Volume five of Green Lantern is now three issues into its run, all with the greatest Green Lantern (villain) at the helm of the title. The question is whether the title is still holding its weight as a story.

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Uncanny X-Force #17

I'm back this week after cutting my CBD work week in half due to extra-curricular activities to bring you the latest part of Rick Remender's Dark Angel Saga. Wolverine and his team have jumped from their own dimension to the AoA realm and come back only to find their friend has been overtaken and is the new Apocalypse.

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Marvel Trading Cards

Like comic books, trading cards were booming back in the 90’s.  Trading cards are very popular now.  Card battle games are everywhere.  Back in the 90’s, cards were very basic and they were just a collector’s card. Impel released Marvel…

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