Category Championing Comics

Championing Comics

Torpedo Volume 4

We’re finally presented with Torpedo Volume 4, originally solicited for November 2011. [quote]Book Four of Abuli and Bernet’s masterpiece, Torpedo, continues Luca Torelli’s adventures in the stinking, crime-infested waters known as New York City. There Luca and his crony pal,…

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Detective Comics #6

After a tour of duty on Batman with Dick Grayson as the man behind the cowl, Daniels returned to the Dark Knight's world in writing Detective Comics. Not with Bruce Wayne firmly entrenched as the undisputed caped crusader, Daniels' run has hit its stride after five issues. This week Comic Book Daily takes a look at issue six of Tony Daniels' take on Bruce Wayne and the world of Batman.

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Mystery Society

After enjoying the preview images for Saga I started a hunt to read some Fiona Staples material, and came across Mystery Society during my Boxing Day sale shopping. [quote]Nick Hammond and Anastasia Collins are the Mystery Society and bring new…

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Moon Knight Vol 1

Moon Knight is one of those fringe characters that always has the potential for unique and engaging stories. A new version has emerged in Moon Knight By Brian Michael Bendis & Alex Maleev Volume 1. [quote]Moon Knight is back, like…

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