Category Championing Comics

Championing Comics

Earth 2 #1

When DC relaunched its line of comics in September 2011, noticeably absent were any titles featuring the classic JSA characters of Golden Age infamy. Even still, at a DC panel at Fan Expo 2011 in Toronto, Canada, it was acknowledged that before long fans of classic versions of Green Lantern, Flash and Superman would get their fill. After many months of anticipation, fans of the characters received the first issue of Earth 2 #1 last week as it thundered onto store shelves and into our loving hands.

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Legion Unleashed #1

Where many superhero comics featuring Canadian characters fail is the inclusion of a given character's nationality not necessarily as a fundamental component of the story, but rather as a gimmick to dress the story up to encourage national interest. This is hardly the case with Evans' Canadian superhero title, Legion Unleashed, as we find the opposite to be true as band of Canadian heroes of varying cultural backgrounds come together to tackle contemporary threats to national security while coming face-to-face with the country's greatest myths and legends.

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Avengers vs. X-Men #1

Similarly to film, summers tend to lend themselves to huge blockbuster story lines in comics. With seven years of planning behind it, Marvel's 2012 foray pits the Avengers against the X-Men. The Hope-centric plot brings together the world's greatest heroes and places them on opposing sides; one fights to save the world, the other to preserve its very existence.

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