Category Championing Comics

Championing Comics

Silk Spectre #1

The doomsday clock has finally struck midnight and the Watchmen prequels are finally upon us. From general observations it would seem nuclear war didn't accompany the release of the first issue of Cooke's Minute Men mini-series, nor has a similar catastrophic event occurred upon the release of Silk Spectre #1. Aimed to expand the past leading up to Alan Moore's seminal Watchmen, a number of creators have thrown their names into the figurative, perhaps literal, fire of fan's scorn upon attaching themselves to these projects, including Watchmen editor Len Wein who provides the Curse of the Crimson Corsair back-up story.

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Avengers vs. X-Men #5

In the fifth installment of Avengers vs. X-Men, the highly anticipated mini-series featuring Marvel's mutants and resident team of Avengers, the pace definitively picks up as tensions come to a head between the two teams vying for their personal stakes in Hope's destiny. However, despite an epic-scoped story, the collective of Marvel architects fail to capitalize on the story's potential with a lackluster fifth outing which explodes the X-Men mythos with a barrage of head scratching developments.

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Clay County

When the world is at its end, say as the result of an alien invasion for example, once international military forces have been defeated there is little hope for sustained survival of humankind.

That isn't the case in Clay County.

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Batman Incorporated #1

From 2006 forward, Grant Morrison's name has been synonymous with Batman. Through the main title and his definitive Batman tale, to the depths of certain oblivion through time, back to the re-ascension of Bruce Wayne to the mantle of the Bat, Morrison's Batman opus has garnered a fair and justified amount of acclaim over the last six years. His name was missing, however, from the new crop of "New 52" titles in Fall 2011 when DC relaunched its titles. Moving several months forward, we find Morrison has returned to finish his Batman Inc. story, it leading the way for DC's second wave of "New 52" titles.

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The latest from Humanoids, bringing English translations of European works. Megalex was a three-volume work released in French in 1999, 2002 and 2008. This is its first English release. On the planet-city of Megalex, urban sprawl and technology consume all,…

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Mind the Gap #1

Stories with an air of mystery injected into their plots almost always make for more interesting stories. They are sure develop slowly, offering a wealth of gradual revelations, with the payoff, ideally, being something we scarcely suspected. As with any though, it's difficult to grasp where a story can be headed after only its first issue, leaving readers to ponder the allusions throughout the issue and what they may mean in the greater context of the arc.

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