Web Arted Sep 21st
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Hughes, Maleev, Adams, Fuchs, Cooke, Lloyd, Miller, Colan, Darrow, Kirby, Hernandez, Steranko, Cho, Rivera, Edwards, Kunstler and more!
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Championing Comics
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Hughes, Maleev, Adams, Fuchs, Cooke, Lloyd, Miller, Colan, Darrow, Kirby, Hernandez, Steranko, Cho, Rivera, Edwards, Kunstler and more!
Welcome back to a new season of the Comic Culture radio show. This week hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija discuss the Montreal Comic Con that just was, the Joe Shuster Awards that just were and the latest in comic book news that just is!
The boys shine some light on a few new releases hitting comic book stands today and they open up the Comic Culture Mailbag to the questions people really need answers to. Go ahead and pour yourself that nice stiff drink then sit back, relax and enjoy the Comic Culture radio show.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Adams, Russell, McKone, Smith, Steacy, Miller, Dodson, Mignola, Booth, Noto and more!
An explosion rings out across a landscape, the shockwaves of the blast reverberating across an open field as the splintering bits of a small shack litter the country side, joined by the flailing human bodies and dismembered body parts of those too close to the blast's detonation. Meanwhile, elsewhere, a sly little monkey smirks at their misfortune.
Last night I had the opportunity to attend an art gallery reception for Back Alleys and Urban Landscapes , Michael Cho‘s art book on the unseen treasures of hidden Hogtown. Cho draws back the veil on these necessary arteries, and lets the…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Smith, Martin, Bolland, Heck, Rivoche, Cho, Sienkiewicz, Timm, Robbins, Kane and more!
Comic books are not exclusively defined by the exploits of superheroes and their costumed escapades. While the industry is surely dominated by the titles published by larger, corporate-owned companies, much like any other medium, tucked away in the unlit corners of creation rest works of art by independent writers and artists whose work pushes and challenges the comic medium beyond the boundaries of its minimum safe distance.
OK, this time around it’s not really from around the internet but from around Fan Expo 2012. As always I picked up a few pieces of comic art, commissions or items the artist had in their portfolios for sale. No…
No matter how many times a character is rebooted, restarted, or renumbered it is still a milestone to be in constant publication for 50 years. Our Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man has his Golden Jubilee this year and Marvel has a host…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Adams, Chiodo, Kubert, Hughes, Tan, Rivera, Byrne, Salas and more!
If any comic book writer has the resume to be so bold as to title their comic, "Saga," it would be Brian K. Vaughan. With a bibliography including Runaways, Ex Machina, Pride of Baghdad and Y: The Last Man, and a number of Eisner awards to his credit, Vaughan has a remarkable body of work thus far, and Saga is no different.
Avengers vs. X-Men, the high-octane superhero romp featuring the X-Men and the Avengers continued last week with its tenth issue. The Hope centric plot plodded onward, bringing the expansive mini-series ever closer to its conclusion.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Hicks, Sienkiewicz, Byrne, Kirby, Shaner, Ditko, Weeks, Metsu, Adams, Leyendecker and more!
Largely due tot he buzz deriving from the success of The Walking Dead, it would seem zombie-based comics are rather the norm as companies attempt to mirror the basic horror elements and obtain a measure of success.
Gambit titles have also been an oddity. Popular enough that Marvel has included him in a number of ensemble X-Men titles, but never popular enough to hold his own title, past solo outings for the "Ragin' Cajun" have been a mixed bag of results.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Sienkiewicz, Jones, Stewart, Yu, Smith, Pope, Anka, Allred and more!
This week hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija are joined by special guest Lief Peng. Lief joins the team to discuss new comics coming out this week, news of a possible Daredevil reboot, July comic book sales figures and other…
The first issue of Matt Fraction's Hawkeye series is one of a number of titles debuting prior to the "Marvel Now!" initiative. The series finds Fraction and David Aja, the team behind The Immortal Iron Fist, reuniting to bring readers deeper into a more personalized view of Marvel's alpha-archer, Clint Barton.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Windsor-Smith, Fegredo, Shaner, Cho, Kirby, Adams and more!
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Cardy, Cassaday, Buscema, Adams, Kaluta, Jones, Hitch, Gray and more!