Category Championing Comics

Championing Comics

Kill Shakespeare: Tide of Blood #5

With this second act completed, the best is yet to come from Del Col, McCreery and Belanger. Their story continues to evolve and ripen, improving with each new issue. A hallmark of the series has been the creators' willingness to take chances with their work, a philosophy that has paid dividends for them and has resulted in an overwhelmingly fantastic comic that only gets better as it develops. Belanger has been an integral piece of the entire journey, giving Del Col and McCreery's words visual weight, combining together to tell a complete story that continues to be the prologue to greater things.

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Fearless Evolution

We're aspiring creatures, all wishing and hoping to reach that next phase in our lives where we meet our potential; where our talents transcend the height of our self-perception. It would appear though that an essential step, one we often miscalculate, is the simple reality that we're not nearly as exceptional as we think we are, that there is always room to improve. And once that's realized, it's then we can begin to grow.

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