Category Championing Comics

Championing Comics

YW2? – Amazing X-Men #2

In those good old days they actually fought bad guys, and had adventures, and smiled every once in a while. They even spent time playing the occasional softball game. They don’t have time for softball now, what with all the mass genocide and eviscerating one another with scythes and claws.

That’s why I am so crazy about AMAZING X-MEN #2.

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Absolute-ly | Ribic’s Thor: God Of Thunder

Marvel just released the second volume of Thor: God Of Thunder and as an overall story I was blown away. The two volumes are Thor God Of Thunder Vol 1 - The God Butcher and Thor God Of Thunder Vol 2 - Godbomb. An eleven issue story arc by Jason Aaron that centers on a being that slays gods from every world he encounters in order to rid the world of religion and its empty promises. Along the way Thor from three different periods in time (young Thor, current Thor and all-father Thor) are drawn into the conflict culminating in a battle royale with all three distinct Thors doing what they do to save the universe.

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Velvet #1

I love spy stories. There’s that element of mystery, intrigue, danger and sex appeal that just grabs me and won’t let go.  I’ll kick back and watch countless hours of James Bond, Mission Impossible, Burn Notice or Archer to satisfy…

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TODAY’S SPECIAL: Mighty Avengers

Here are ARCHIE G’s, we don’t think you can make a dependable Pull List decision based on the first serving of a comic. Publishers throw everything they’ve got at a first issue, promotions, gimmick covers, etc. And speculators? Sheesh, don’t get me started on speculators. Because of stuff like that, sales figures are always bloated.

You need to make the decision based on the SECOND issue, because it will give you a better idea what the series will be like, issue-in, issue-out.

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