Category Championing Comics

Championing Comics

Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck “The Son of the Sun” The Don Rosa Library Vol 1

I never read any of the Carl Barks or Don Rosa duck comics until relatively recently when Fantagraphics began releasing collected editions. I was, however, a big fan of the TV show Ducktales (which was based upon Barks and Rosa's works) and thus was already familiar with many of the denizens of Duckburg. Continuing in its tradition of bringing the best of Donald and Uncle Scrooge to the masses, Fantagraphics has released the first volume in the Don Rosa library.

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2014 Joe Shuster Awards

The 2014 Joe Shuster Awards took place Saturday September 20th in Toronto. I previously posted the Harry Kremer Retailer Award winner but here is the full list with pictures and audio courtesy of Jamie Coville. Anthony Falcone, Ivan Kocmarek and myself presented awards and represented Comic Book Daily.

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