Category Championing Comics

Championing Comics

Pep Rally

This week Chris and Walt hold a big pep rally for comic book collecting. The boys brought their positive attitudes and sunny dispositions with them for this pep rally, Chris even brought his pom poms. Please let us know what…

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Drug Testing

This week Chris tries once more to… Stump the Chump. How will Walt fare this time? Considering his perfect score the last time maybe we should call this episode… Stump the Champ! Please let us know what you thought of…

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Kickstart My Heart

This week Chris wanted to explore in depth Walt’s comments about Kickstarter in his latest blog. Chris is well-versed in the crowdfunding scene and gives us some perspective. Please let us know what you think of the show by adding…

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This week Chris accuses Walt of being a comic book snob. Walk takes offence. Will the boys come to blows or will they work things out: tune in to find out. Please let us know what you thought of this…

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This week Chris and Walt explore the things that can influence us in our collecting of comic books. Please let us know what you thought of the show: just leave a comment. What influences your comic book collecting?

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Con Report

This week Chris and Walt discuss Walt’s trip to the big sports card show in Toronto. The boys explore some of the differences and similarities between comic and card shows. Please let us know what you thought of the show:…

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