Covered 365: Day 211
House Of Mystery #211, DC, February 1973. Artist: Bernie Wrightson. About 100 days ago I commented that we were heading into Cole Country (L.B. Cole). I didn’t want one artist to hijack the post so I excluded his covers for…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Championing Comics
House Of Mystery #211, DC, February 1973. Artist: Bernie Wrightson. About 100 days ago I commented that we were heading into Cole Country (L.B. Cole). I didn’t want one artist to hijack the post so I excluded his covers for…
Famous Funnies #210, Four Color, February 1954. Artist: Frank Frazetta. I’m on a 1-week vacation up in beautiful northern Ontario but will continue delivering our daily dose of covers! Thank god for Wi-Fi. Just bear with my sporadic responses this…
Famous Funnies #209, Four Color, December 1953. Artist: Frank Frazetta. And it begins… The Frank Frazetta cover run on Famous Funnies is legendary, here is his stellar first cover. I’m blown away by the talent of Michael Turner, I never…
Superman #208, DC Comics, October 2004. Artist: Jim Lee. Jim Lee gives us a fantastic cover to Superman #208 (1987 series), great detail to his work and I like the composition of this piece. Neal Adams continues his brilliant cover…
Strange Adventures #207, DC Comics, December 1967. Artist: Neal Adams. Runaway winner today has to be Neal Adams and his wonderful cover to Strange Adventures #207. Chris noted in the comments yesterday how good Adams is at faces and that…
House of Mystery #206, DC Comics, September 1972. Artist: Tony DeZuniga. Psychiatrist’s office – “Mr. Durajlija you seem to have an obsession with Scarecrows, tell me about your childhood on the farm”… Tony DeZuniga draws a mean scarecrow on the…
Four Color #205, Eastern Color, December 1948. Artist: Morris Gollub. I’ve never been more afraid to pick a cover! To be true to the project I had to go with the best cover and that is Morris Gollub’s exquisite rendering…
Four Color #204, Eastern Color, December 1948. Artist: Paul Norris. Blame that gorgeous blue fade. Before anyone gives me any flack have a look at the covers below and tell me you wouldn’t want the Four Color #204 at the…
Amazing Spider-Man #203, Marvel Comics, April 1980. Artist: Frank Miller and Jim Mooney. I clearly recall trying to hoard Amazing Spider-Man #203, I thought Dazzler was a character on the rise and a very early appearance embedded in the Amazing…
Superman #202, DC Comics, April 2004. Artist: Michael Turner. I found Day 202 to be a bit wanting so I resolved not to pick any of the what I found mediocre standbys. I thought I’d go and highlight a little…
Superman #201, DC Comics, November 1967. Artist: Curt Swan. Does Superman #201 look familiar? Kind of? How about the caption “Clark Kent Abandons Superman. Kurt Swan must have really liked Amazing Spider-Man #50 that came out just a few months…
Avengers #200, Marvel Comics, October 1980. Artist: George Perez. Here we are at another milestone, Day 200! This project has been so eye-opening, making me look at all covers way more closely than I did in the past. DC Comics…
Wonder Woman #199, DC Comics, April 1972. Artist: Jeff Jones. Jeff Jones’ cover to Wonder Woman #199 is scary good, I know Jones likes to channel Frazetta but he owns this classic. Carmine Infantino’s Superman #199 is a worthy winner…
Worlds Finest #198, DC Comics, November 1970. Artist: Kurt Swan. World’s Finest #198 is the cover I’d want to look at the longest today and thus it takes top prize for Day #198. Nice to see Kurt Swan get the…
Strange Adventures #197, DC Comics, February 1967. Artist: Carmine Infantino. Carmine Infantino is slowly piling up cover of the day honors and may end up the overall winner at this rate (I have to figure out a time-effective way to…
Our Army At War #196, DC Comics, August 1968. Artist: Joe Kubert. Did Joe Kubert gives us a powerful political message with his cover to Our Army at War #196? In the fall of 1968 the United States was convulsing…
House of Mystery #195, DC Comics, October 1971. Artist: Bernie Wrightson. Bernie Wrightson lights it up on House of Mystery #195, scary, heavy use of shadow that can trick you on 1st glance but no question this is amazing art.…
Batman #194, DC Comics, August 1967. Artist: Carmine Infantino and Murphy Anderson. I picked Batman #194 for the same reason I picked Flash #174, I really like the way the Batman banner works visually, big fun impact. I met Erik…
House of Mystery #193, DC Comics, August 1971. Artist: Bernie Wrightson. I can’t think of a better hand off than Neal Adams passing the torch over to Bernie Wrightson on the House of Mystery run at issue #193. I personally…
Famous Funnies #192, Eastern Color, August 1948. Artist: Walt Kelly. Some unnamed commenter likened yesterday’s Four Color #191 to cereal box art, well I for one couldn’t disagree more. Today I throw down Four Color #192, an impossible to dis…