Week 33: For Madame
A few years back my wife and I went to the Jardin Nelson bistro in Old Montreal, nice place with a big atrium featuring a hanging garden in the dining area. This smooth talking French waiter seats my wife facing…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
This column will celebrate the Splash page. You know, that page you will never get to see again because your comic is locked and sealed in a hard plastic case.
A few years back my wife and I went to the Jardin Nelson bistro in Old Montreal, nice place with a big atrium featuring a hanging garden in the dining area. This smooth talking French waiter seats my wife facing…
I can’t repeat myself enough, Jack Kirby is a beast, an absolute menace, the man’s imagination was infinite, from Kamandi #16, April 1974. My pal Trace from Eclipse Paper out in Winnipeg sent me in this Gil Kane two page…
What is it about Batman and guns, Bob Kane knew it was an irresistible combo and used it well in this splash for Detective Comics #72. Rich Buckler and Klaus Janson give us a very unique two page splash in…
I thought I’d lead off with a memorable splash from DC New 52’s Catwoman #1, from November 2011. I remember when this dropped and it created quite a stir. Guillem March is the artist that will live in infamy, I…
Couldn’t pick a theme this week but I knew I had to show you this nasty Bob Fujitani splash from Pep Comics. I had Bob featured in Week 1 and I’m not sure why I’ve waited this long for his…
I think I’m starting to get a bit paranoid now, I think I may have posted one or two of the below pages, remember I’m not keeping track so call me out if you find one and I’ll add an…
Hamilton Ontario and Flint Michigan have held their annual CANUSA games every year since 1958, its the longest running amateur sports competition in North America. Host cities alternate each year, Hamilton odds, Flint evens. I mentioned CANUSA because this week’s…
A lot has happened since I started this 26 weeks ago, lets all stay positive and lets all help others in any way we can. I’m continuing my sharing of great splash pages I find while preparing listings for sale…
This week I’m going to start a new feature, every week I get some books ready to post on our eBay’s no reserve auctions. I have a quick look for completeness etc and I’m noting some pretty cool splash pages.…
Week 24 already, it’s nice and warm up where I am and I’m really enjoying the weather. Also enjoying a sip of Bushmills as I post these nice splash pages. Sal Buscema gives us something interesting in this splash page…
I’m really enjoying this dive into splash pages but again I want to say that I’m not keeping records of what I’ve posted to date so I may double dip, please let me know when I do and I’ll throw…
No obvious theme today, just happy it’s hot out and that comic shops are back open (in Ontario at least). I’m not familiar with Steve Kirkel, but his splash from This Magazine is Haunted #21 (1954) caught my eye. I…
Last week I should have been on the outskirts of Belgrade, Serbia for my cousin’s daughters wedding. This whole pandemic thing had them postpone, new date yet to be set. I missed the wedding so I thought I’d compensate… I…
It’s been almost three months since my I highlighted the splash pages from early Marvel keys. Today I’ll add the next three keys chronologically. Showing only three will allow us to add some variety into the post and it will…
This week I thought I’d highlight the artists that the commentors mentioned on this week’s ‘Time to Collect: Artists’ post. Gene Colan came up in the discussion, we were disputing whether he is a truly great cover artist. I know…
Bone was one of the best comics I’ve ever read, I highly recommend it for all ages. Jeff Smith amazes with this page below using that lightning strike to great effect. One Smith deserves another, Barry Windsor-Smith does stellar work…
I did a Time To Collect post on magazines early this week so I thought I’d lead with some art from a mag. Rudy Nebres does stellar work on the splash page for Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #16, page…
This week I just aimlessly let my thoughts go just to see where they would take me. I’ve always loved Howard Chaykin, he gives us some high quality pre-stylized Chaykin in this splash from Detective Comics #441. Some week’s ago…
I hope everyone is doing well, staying healthy and staying sane. I thought I’d try a visualized tour of our current plight. With his beyond excellent splash to Giant-Size Man-Thing #5 Frank Brunner sums up the way most of us…
No April Fools prank from me today, just some good clean splashing around. Oh and one other thing, I’m trying to keep Making a Splash a spur of the moment post, I want to try and feel the moment each…