Category CBD Interviews


Fearless Evolution

We're aspiring creatures, all wishing and hoping to reach that next phase in our lives where we meet our potential; where our talents transcend the height of our self-perception. It would appear though that an essential step, one we often miscalculate, is the simple reality that we're not nearly as exceptional as we think we are, that there is always room to improve. And once that's realized, it's then we can begin to grow.

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Gibson Quarter injects energy, emotion into comic art

An explosion rings out across a landscape, the shockwaves of the blast reverberating across an open field as the splintering bits of a small shack litter the country side, joined by the flailing human bodies and dismembered body parts of those too close to the blast's detonation. Meanwhile, elsewhere, a sly little monkey smirks at their misfortune.

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Zub celebrates fantasy storytelling with ‘Skullkickers,’ ‘Pathfinder’

Comic books are not exclusively defined by the exploits of superheroes and their costumed escapades. While the industry is surely dominated by the titles published by larger, corporate-owned companies, much like any other medium, tucked away in the unlit corners of creation rest works of art by independent writers and artists whose work pushes and challenges the comic medium beyond the boundaries of its minimum safe distance.

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Beginning’s end bittersweet for ‘Kill Shakespeare’ creators

Life could be perceived as a series of acts, each of us living out the drama of our lives in a microcosm of the whole day in and day out. Existence is a play, with each component of the greater story being told a piece at a time; before we know it, the curtains close on a chapter of life and the crowd disperses for intermission, anticipating the next part of the story.

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Glamourpuss with Dave Sim

After a few weeks of back and fourth, Sim and I finally sat down to discuss his adventure into Glamourpuss. It was a muggy day in June when we met at the Metropolitan Hotel at Chestnut St. and Dundas Ave. to discuss Glamourpuss and were she's headed in the future - when she gets out of jail for allegedly smuggling cocaine that is.

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