Category Absolute-ly

Absolute-ly | Ribic’s Thor: God Of Thunder

Marvel just released the second volume of Thor: God Of Thunder and as an overall story I was blown away. The two volumes are Thor God Of Thunder Vol 1 - The God Butcher and Thor God Of Thunder Vol 2 - Godbomb. An eleven issue story arc by Jason Aaron that centers on a being that slays gods from every world he encounters in order to rid the world of religion and its empty promises. Along the way Thor from three different periods in time (young Thor, current Thor and all-father Thor) are drawn into the conflict culminating in a battle royale with all three distinct Thors doing what they do to save the universe.

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#2: Cosmic Odyssey

Welcome back to Absolute-ly, a feature that focuses on what comic should receive the “absolute” treatment: any story from any publisher.  A call to arms of hardcover comic book fans. Mike Mignola was in the second phase of his career;…

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