Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Undervalued Spotlight #9
Comic Culture: October 22nd, 2009
It’s that time of the week again! Time to tune out the world and tune into the smooth comic stylings of Christopher Owen and Walter Durajlija with this week’s edition of the Comic Culture. This week the guys discuss: the…
Auction Highlights #8 – On the Fence
The ComicLink October Focused Auction that ended yesterday yielded some very interesting results. First off, these monthly comic auctions from ComicLink have turned into major events though some months are much better (in terms of quality of offerings) than others.…
Collecting and Investing Tips #8
Undervalued Spotlight #8
Auction Highlights #7 – Super Key – Not So Super Grade
In honor of this past Wednesday’s Collecting and Investing Tips #7 (where we looked at how to spot restoration on lower grade comics) this week’s auction highlights will look at the hottest of the hot – with a catch. There is nothing…
Comic Culture: October 14, 2009
Welcome back to the Comic Culture podcast with Mohawk College’s Christopher Owen and Big B’s Walter Durajlija. We hope that you’re comfy as the guys talk about: this week’s releases, new graphic novels hitting the bestseller’s list, the adaptation of C…
Collecting and Investing Tips #7
Watching out for restoration The first thing I’d like to say is that restoration has its place in the comic book marketplace. Some copies of very, very important comic books would not even exist if it were not for the…
Undervalued Spotlight #7
Auction Highlights #6 – One Up
In honor of just posted Market Trends report this week’s auction highlights will try to find out what kind of jumps in price are accompanying incremental jumps in grade. We chose some relatively easy comics to get so all of us can relate.…
Comic Culture: October 7th 2009
Welcome back to the Comic Culture podcast featuring the smooth style of Walter Durajlija and Christopher Owen. This week the guys talk about; the continuation of Buffy at Dark Horse, the Archie wedding issues, the return of Heroclix, Mickey Mouse…
Market Trends October 2009
Collecting and Investing Tips #6
Undervalued Spotlight #6
Hansi, the Girl Who Loved the Swastika nn, Spire Cristian Comics, 1973 In 1972 a guy named Fleming H. Revell started up a line of religious and inspirational comics called Spire Christian Comics. The line featured many biographical stories including Johnny Cash,…
Auction Highlights #5 – Ghost Rider
Auction Highlights has somehow turned into a Friday thing. Check back every Friday for some hard hitting commentary on recent auction and internet sales results. It was announced last week that there are plans to make a second Ghost Rider movie…
Comic Culture Radioshow: September 30th 2009
Hi guys, we’re back with another fabulous installment of the Comic Culture Radioshow. This week Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija kick back with a few drinks and talk about: this week’s comics, the return of the Spider-Man Clone Saga, Wonder…
Collecting and Investing Tips #5
Diversify Diversifying your investments is all about spreading the risk. As the old saying goes ‘it’s never wise to have all your eggs in one basket’. If you had all your money in real estate and the real estate market tanked…
Undervalued Spotlight #5
Pep Comics #22, MLJ Magazines, December 1941 In Pep Comics #22 (December 1941), MLJ Magazines quietly published an untitled six-page story that featured a girl-crazy teen named Archibald Andrews. Pep Comics was a superhero title featuring the likes of the Shield and the Hangman…
Auction Highlights #4 – ComicLink
Auction Highlights has somehow turned into a Friday thing. Check back every Friday for some hard hitting commentary on recent auction results. This week I’d like to highlight some interesting results from the just finished Comic Link September focused auction (last comic finished…