Collecting and Investing Tips #37
Remember that oh so true quote from that great fictional San Francisco Police Detective, Harry Callahan? Comic book fans are never short of opinions...
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Remember that oh so true quote from that great fictional San Francisco Police Detective, Harry Callahan? Comic book fans are never short of opinions...
Today I’ve learned of the passing of Frank Frazetta. Even during his lifetime Mr. Frazetta was considered THE giant of 20th Century American fantasy illustration. His god-like status was well deserved. The Conan book covers he produced for Lancer Books in the 1960s single handedly defined a whole genre of art...
Iron Man seems the obvious theme this week. Make sure you check out the Iron Man 2 movie, and then jump on the net and buy up a bunch of old Iron Man comic books!
Probably should have posted this one last week (the week before Free Comic Book Day). That’s OK though, we get it done now and it can serve as the rallying cry for all FCBDs to come...
This week Comic Culture’s hosts Walter Durajlija and Chris Owen welcome special guest Anthony Falcone. The three sit down and discuss super hero movies, why the Amazing Spider-Man sucks and a whole lot more. Click on the link below and enjoy.
The Phantom #74 is the last Charlton issue of series. Final issues are very collectible. Usually the print run is very low just before the plug is pulled. Later, when someone tries to collect the run they usually find that the last issue is...
Batman just may be the most collected superhero of all. Let’s see how he’s been doing on the eBay marketplace. I selected a small random sample of Batman comics starting from the Golden Age right through to the Bronze Age...
Over the years I’ve purchased many large comic book collections. I still remember the first big collection I bought back in around 1986. There were over 7000 comics in this collection dating from the early 1940 through to the mid 1970s. This was the collection that set...
This week Comic Culture’s hosts Walter Durajlija and Chris Owen discuss Free Comic Book Day, DC's traveling circus, Marvel movies and a bunch of other comic book type stuff. Well worth a listen so click on the link below and enjoy.
Marvel Team-Up #22, Marvel Comics, June 1974 Spider-Man and Hawkeye team-up to take on Quasimodo! OK, I admit it’s not the kind of line up that would have had the kids running to the local variety store but other forces…
The April Focused auction has just ended on ComicLink. It is being said that the Marvel keys are retreating in value a bit, escpecially in the mid grades. Let’s look at the results and find out for ourselves.
This week Comic Culture’s hosts Walter Durajlija and Chris Owen discuss Kick Ass, some new X-Men title news, the success of Blackest Night and a bunch of other comic book related stuff. So sit back, relax and enjoy the show.
I remember back in the early 80s when the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide had those big 10 issue groupings for most of the major Golden, Silver and Bronze age comic book titles. Amazing Spider-Man issues #131-140 were all worth the same...
Dell Publishing had a longstanding agreement (since the late 30s) with Western Publishing to produce comic books based on properties that Western licensed from the likes of Disney, MGM, Warner Brothers, Hanna Barbera and others. This agreement was very lucrative for Dell and they fast became the largest comic book publisher. In 1962 Western Publishing decided to create their own comic imprint called Gold Key...
One of the toughest grades to get a handle on is the dreaded 6.5. The question is: Are you getting your money’s worth for the ½ grade improvement. Let’s use...
Jim Steranko’s first Marvel Comics work was Strange Tales #151. The high end Overstreet Price Guide value for this book is $135 versus $85 for the book just before and the book just after...
This week Comic Culture’s hosts Walter Durajlija and Chris Owen discuss Free Comic Book Day, the Kick Ass movie, the Esiner nominations and a whole bunch of other comic book related stuff. Now tune in and dig it!
The Avengers were Marvel’s unchallenged super hero team for a full 8 years before their first real challengers appeared...
It should be noted that of the 100 most expensive comics listed on eBay in the past 2 weeks only 13 actually sold. The percentage was even worse if you don’t count the ones that...
Comic Culture Podcast. This week Comic Culture’s hosts Walter Durajlija and Chris Owen (and their special guest James Harris) discuss the Walking Dead limping over to cable TV, Megan Fox and a bunch of other comic book related items. Now kick back, relax and enjoy the show.