Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Undervalued Spotlight #50

Here’s the thing. I really couldn’t pick one over the other so I’m picking both of these comic books for this week’s Undervalued Spotlight.

In January of 1947 Avon Periodicals published Eerie Comics #1. Eerie #1 is credited as being the first true horror comic. Overstreet guide value for Eerie #1 is a healthy $8,200.00. Though the book is also credited as establishing the horror genre it really did not cause an...

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Undervalued Spotlight #49

Early Marvel Keys are one of the most collected group of comic books in the hobby. A hobby wide consensus regarding a book's status as a legitimate Marvel key is enough to send it's value way up. The Tales to Astonish title had already given us Hank Pym, the Ant-Man a year and a half earlier. In Tales to Astonish issue #44 Janet van Dyne becomes...

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Undervalued Spotlight #48

American Comics Group (ACG) editor Richard E. Hughes contributed much to comic books. Hughes was already a veteran of the industry in 1958 (he was ACG editor at this time). The early 1940s characters Fighting Yank and Black Terror were among Hughes’ more popular creations. A prolific writer, Hughes used many pseudonyms. The most famous of these ‘pen names’ would be Shane O’Shea (though my favorite is Ace Aquila). It was Shane O’Shea that received the writing credits for the...

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Undervalued Spotlight #47

The Phantom was the brainchild of Mandrake the Magician creator Lee Falk. Mr. Falk’ brilliant twist to the character was that he made his Phantom the 21st in a line stretching back over 400 years. The Phantom always fought evil wearing the same costume, part of a ruse to get the bad guys to believe that the character was immortal.

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Undervalued Spotlight #46

Four Color Comics was a Dell Comic anthology series that ran from 1939 top 1962. Often Dell introduced characters (original and licensed) in the Four Color run. If the character sold well Dell would launch a separate series devoted to the character. When we look at titles like Turok (original) and Bugs Bunny (licensed) we see that Dell published several issues within the Four Color run (actually more than...

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Undervalued Spotlight #45

Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #3, Pacific Comics, March 1982. This little gem has quite a lot going for it. First off the book features the first appearance of Ms. Mystic (back up story). Ms. Mystic is a witch who was burned at the stake during the Salem witch hunts of the late 17th century...

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Comic Culture Radio Podcast – July 7th

Comic Culture’s second hour long show has Joe Shuster Award Committee members Rob Haines and Kevin Boyd joining the fray! Hosts Walter Durajlija and Chris Owen ask the questions that must be asked! Lots of cool comic stuff covered this week. So sit back, relax then click the link below, it will take you to itunes. In itunes click the play arrow that comes up as you select the 6/30 podcast at the top.

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Comic Culture Radio Podcast – June 30th

Comic Culture's first hour long show! Hosts Walter Durajlija and Chris Owen have upped the ante and are now producing hour long shows for your enjoyment. This week Chris subjects Walt to a surprise quiz with disastrous results, the boys also tackle other comic book related issues like the Hastings expansion into comic books, the Suicide Girls and a whole bunch of other neat comic book type stuff. So sit back, relax then click the link below, it will take you to itunes. In itunes click the play arrow that comes up as you select the 6/30 podcast at the top. Enjoy.

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