![Comic Book Daily](https://www.comicbookdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/CBD-logo.png)
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
![Comic Book Daily](https://www.comicbookdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/CBD-logo.png)
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Auction Highlights #83
Comic Collecting Costs on the Rise
Comic Culture February 19th 2014
This week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija get down to business by talking up all kinds of comic book related stuff, movies, documentaries, toys and yes even comics. As always they are joined by producer Shekky Feldstein!…
Undervalued Spotlight #191
Comic Culture February 12th 2014
This week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija talk up the world of comics for your listening pleasure. As always they are joined by producer Shekky Feldstein! The Shekkster spins some cool tunes too. So why don’t you kick…
Undervalued Spotlight #190
Comic Culture February 6th 2014
This week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija say adieu to Slurpy Jones and sadly to our young buck Andrew Roebuck who has used his experience on our show to move on to bigger and better things. Good…
Undervalued Spotlight #189
Undervalued Spotlight #188
Amazing Adventures V2 #1, Marvel Comics, August 1970 My kids and I watched the Avengers again recently and I found myself really enjoying the Black Widow character played by Scarlet Johansson. I think she’s one of the stronger characters in…
Comic Culture January 22nd 2014
Undervalued Spotlight #187
Marvel Tales #137, Marvel Comics, March 1982 We’ve featured a reprint book before on the Undervalued Spotlight. It was actually Marvel Tales #1 that got the nod and deservedly so. In 1964 Marvel Tales #1 was needed to satisfy the…
Comic Culture Jan 15th 2014
This week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Slurpy Jones are joined by producer Shekky Feldstein and sound engineer Andrew “Young Buck” Roebuck for an hour of comic book talk. The boys cover all kinds of stuff including New This…
Undervalued Spotlight #186
Sub-Mariner #34 and #35, Marvel Comics, February and March 1971 Sub-Mariner #34 – dead. Sub-Mariner #35 – deader. Sub-Mariner the title – Deadest. There are comic books out there that are slower than they should be and Sub-Mariner #34 is…
Undervalued Spotlight #185
Undervalued Spotlight #184
Undervalued Spotlight #183
Comic Culture December 18th 2013
Undervalued Spotlight #182
The Flash #300, DC Comics, August 1981 Sometimes we need to think small and be satisfied with the little victories that are there for the taking. String up enough of these in a row and you’d be surprised how far…