Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Coffee Run

My morning routine is to hit the drive through on my way to work. I grab a large black coffee and then struggle drinking for the next 10 minutes as I navigate the bumps, turns, starts and stops all the…

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A Lifetime Ago

Next week I’ll take pics of the two warehouses! We’re right in the middle of the move and things are starting a little thinned out at the old warehouse; I can see some daylight. It’s truly amazing how much stuff…

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A few years back I started posting about my new warehouse full of comics. I had just bought close to 2,000 long boxes of comics and was giving updates on stuff I was digging out of the collection. I recall…

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I’m Slippin’

Last week I tried to pin my ineptitude on the long weekend, this week I don’t have that luxury. I had a nice batch of old comics, all heading into our weekly icecollectibles eBay auction, ready to take home with…

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Are We On?

This week the boys start back up off their summer hiatus: they discuss the joys and the pitfalls of moonshine and find a little time to talk comics too. Please let us know what you thought of the show, kindly…

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Back at it

Let’s wade back into things with this post, I’ll dive back into the auction piles next week. Getting away is always nice and coming home is even nicer. There were zero interactions with comics on my trip, this was, I…

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It doesn’t have the same ring to it when it’s “with leave” but I went with it anyway. I’m up in Blue Mountain for a week and then I’m off to Europe for 3 weeks so please forgive the brief…

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Uncle Ron

My pal Ron Hobbs popped in for another visit this past weekend, it’s to the point now where I won’t let Ron in unless he brings me something special to touch, to hold to feel. It’s a small price to…

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I know a guy who set up at the Toronto Comic Book Show on Sunday: my guy brought good stuff and was hoping to do a few thousand in business to help his cause. He reports that the show was…

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Hammer Smiths!

This past weekend I went to the Hamilton Public Library to attend the Hamilton Cartoon Foundry event. Our very own Ivan Kocmarek was instrumental in making the event happen; the whole day was a celebration of Hamilton comic booking and…

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