Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Undervalued Spotlight #258

Detective Comics #27, DC Comics, May 1939. I’ve always wanted to write-up a complicated essay on Detective Comics #27. Over the years I’ve had a couple of abortive starts, giving up when I realized the work needed to do it right. I would like to express my view though. So what’s a guy to do?
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Undervalued Spotlight #254

Star Wars #7, Marvel Comics, January 1978. There is a heck of a lot of spec on Star Wars comics going on right now. So where to get in on this Star Wars bandwagon? If you had $20k kicking around you could go the 35 cent variant #1 route or maybe a nice high grade Boba Fett #42? It’s hard to play the Star Wars spec game without dishing out some serious coin. Which segues me nicely into this week’s Undervalued Spotlight pick, Star Wars #7.
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Undervalued Spotlight #252

I was offered a copy of Archie’s Madhouse #22 last week by a very sharp comic head. Of course I did a bit of research on the book because a) he was asking way too much money for it and b) I wanted it. As of this writing we still haven’t made the deal so I’ll keep insisting its way too much money, at least until I can snag it from him at a discount. The more I read up on the book the more I realized Archie’s Madhouse #22 had to be this week’s Undervalued Spotlight.
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Undervalued Spotlight #249

Eternals #1, Marvel Comics, July 1976. You can blame Mike Huddleston for this one. Mike did a guest Spotlight post last week and picked a great Jack Kirby book in Thor #134. His post got me all Kirby’d up. Yes it is possible to get Kirby’d up, I’m sure it’s happened to you and you didn't even know it.
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