Covered 365: Day 120
Heart Throbs #120, DC Comics, June/July 1969 – Artist: Neal Adams. I’m not going to apologize for this being a Romance Comics. The cover to Heart Throbs #120 is as scary as a pre-code horror and of course in many…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Heart Throbs #120, DC Comics, June/July 1969 – Artist: Neal Adams. I’m not going to apologize for this being a Romance Comics. The cover to Heart Throbs #120 is as scary as a pre-code horror and of course in many…
Hot Rod Comics #1, Fawcett Publications, November 1951. This week’s Undervalued Spotlight came to me as I noticed myself checking out comics from a long forgotten genre while I was looking for worthy covers for my Covered 365 project. I…
Marvel Tales #119, Atlas Comics, December 1949 – Artist: Sol Brodsky. I found a half dozen strong contenders on Day #119 and went with Marvel Tales #119 for its deliciously nasty cover. Day 119 will be the last day of…
Four Color Comics #118, Dell Comics, September 1942 – Artist: unknown. I’m cheating here and paying respects to the great Tomahawk covers we’ve seen the last couple of days. Though Tomahawk #118 is a great cover but it’s another angle…
Tomahawk #117, DC Comics, July/August 1968 – Artist: Neal Adams. I feel like one of those co-eds on a Charlton Romance cover, forever changing her mind. With apologies to Gerald I’m still holding to my self imposed ban on L.B…
Tomahawk #116, DC Comics, May/June 1968 – Artist: Neal Adams. You cannot take your eyes off Tomahawk #116, the colors, the hues, the tones, the action, the mood, Neal knocked it out of the park with this one. While we’re…
Captain America #115, Marvel Comics, July 1969 – Artist: Marie Severin. Captain America #115 has always need one of my favorite covers, simple yet striking, an easy stand out. We’re really starting to post some great picks in the comments…
Blue Bolt #114, Star Publications, August 1952 – Artist: L.B. Cole. Guys!! Don’t yell, just hear me out. I looked and I looked, compared and compared because I dared not role out 2 Coles in a row (though we are…
Every week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija talk the comic book talk. So kick back, relax and enjoy this week’s Comic Culture. Oh, and please make sure you go out and support your local comic book shop.…
Blue Bolt #113, Star Publications, May 1952 – Artist: L.B. Cole. I was actually kind of nervous with this one. I know a couple of you guys were pointing to other books and I even went back (I had this…
X-Men #14, Marvel Comics, November 1965. Some X-Men books are enjoying some nice value appreciation lately so I thought I’d scour the catalog and find us a sleeper. I was never a big fan of the X-Men movies but there…
Journey Into Mystery #112, Marvel Comics, January 1965 – Artist: Jack Kirby. I was jonesing for a battle cover today but could not pick between Fantastic Four #112 and JIM #112, at the end of the day it was the…
Captain America #111, Marvel Comics, March 1969 – Artist: Jim Steranko. Poster art at its finest, this cover is so in the zone and of the time, its great stuff from Mr. Steranko. That Unexpected #110 was a nice surprise…
Blue Bolt #110, Star Publications, August 1951 – Artist: L.B. Cole. Yes we are into Cole country and this was a necessary stop. A deceptively overwhelming cover. You initially focus on the central monster but eventually the full glory of…
Dick Tracy #109, Harvey Publications, March 1957 – Artist: Joe Simon. I think this is our first Joe Simon cover! Much like yesterday’s pick this cover is all about the mood of the visual, its that noir feel the way…
Action Comics #108, DC Comics, May 1947 – Artist: Jack Burnley. Something about molten pots full of funky molten color. This cover is just a cool visual, the kind of cover you want the moment you see it. What else…
Strange Tales #107, Marvel Comics, April 1963 – Artist: Jack Kirby. Simplicity can be overwhelming when executes nicely and Jack Kirby hit a nerve with this cover. Strange Tales #107 is one of the most iconic covers of the early…
Every week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija talk the comic book talk. So kick back, relax and enjoy this week’s Comic Culture. Oh, and please make sure you go out and support your local comic book shop.…
Blue Bolt Comics #106, Star Publications,June/July 1950 – Artist: L.B. Cole. Top notch stuff from one of the great cover artists of all time. Lois Lane #106 is super famous but the Blue Bolt is a better cover. Justice League…
Tales of Suspense #40, Marvel Comics, April 1963. Its funny but my current Covered, 365 project really got me to thinking about this weeks Undervalued Spotlight, Tales of Suspense #40. Tales of Suspense #40 features the second appearance of Iron…