Covered 365: Day 185
Avengers #185, Marvel Comics, July 1979. Artist: George Perez. There was a lot to like on Day #185, tops on my list is Perez’s powerful rendering on Avengers #185. I can’t seem to get enough Gil Kane lately, have a…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Avengers #185, Marvel Comics, July 1979. Artist: George Perez. There was a lot to like on Day #185, tops on my list is Perez’s powerful rendering on Avengers #185. I can’t seem to get enough Gil Kane lately, have a…
Detective Comics #184, DC Comics, June 1952. Artist: Win Mortimer. Revisiting some popular past Covered 365 themes with today’s books. First lets see what lies at the end of the Rainbow, how about a great Win Mortimer Detective #184 delivering…
Thor #183, Marvel Comics, December 1970. Artist: John Buscema. Hump day folks. We’ve posted 182 days before this post and we have 182 to go after this post. Probably a good time for as little reflection and review. I’m noticing…
Batman #200, DC Comics, March 1968. Here’s another pick I’ve had in queue for a while. The book got hot decades ago but since then it’s kind of hung around worth something because people just assumed it should be. Well,…
Doctor Strange #182, Marvel Comics, September 1969. Artist: Gene Colan. A quick glance at Gene Colan’s cover to Doctor Strange #182 isn’t enough, have a good look, amazing art. Young Romance #182, that is not the look of resistance! What…
Incredible Hulk #181, Marvel Comics, November 1974. Artist: Herb Trimpe with John Romita getting credit for some alterations. I had to do it guys, I had to go with Hulk #181. It’s nice when a mega key like this can…
Detective Comics, DC, February 1952. Artist: Win Mortimer. Win Mortimer adds another cover to his impressive list with a cool Joker scene on Detective Comics #180. I really like the aesthetics and simplicity of Four Color #180, sadly I’ve always…
Daredevil #179, Marvel Comics, February 1982, Artist: Frank Miller/Klaus Jansen. Frank Miller and Klaus Jansen combine to make this visually stunning, and alarming if you are a Daredevil fan, cover for Daredevil #179. Beast mode for Neal Adams on House…
Wonder Woman #178, DC Comics, Sept/Oct 1968, Artist: Mike Sekowsky. That power pose on the cover of Wonder Woman #178 signaled a new beginning, cover after cover of an empowered Wonder Woman taking charge and kicking butt. Too bad it…
Doctor Strange #177, Marvel Comics, February 1969, Artist: Gene Colan. I would have went with a different one if it was close but for the 2nd day in a row Gene Colan carries the day. Colan was a titan! Something about…
Doctor Strange #176, Marvel Comics, January 1969, Artist: Gene Colan. Day #176 was stellar, one of the best in a while, so many good covers to choose from. My top pick goes to Gene Colan’s masterful work on Doctor Strange #176.…
Daredevil #3, Marvel Comics, August 1964. This week’s Undervalued Spotlight came about while I was talking books with a few guys this past weekend at a local comic book shop. I had sold an Amazing Spider-Man #46 and a Batman…
Flash #175, DC Comics, December 1967, Artist: Carmine Infantino and Al Plastino. It simply has to be another Flash. Flash #175 is the strongest of the batch, jet black background, two principle characters in a heated race, a striking image easily…
Flash #174, DC Comics, November 1967, Artist: Carmine Infantino. I know it’s just a bunch of really tall letters that spell FLASH but I’ve always loved Flash #174, it gets me thinking of all those great Will Eisner SPIRIT covers. Wonder…
Four Color #173, Eastern Color, November 1947, Artist: Paul Norris. Yeah I thought Day 173 a bid light but there were a few highlights including Four Color #173, Hamilton homeboy Walt really digs her Ti-Cat top. I like the look of…
Wonder Woman #172 (1987), DC Comics, September 2001, Artist: Adam Hughes . Wonder Woman #172, beautiful yet somber, you feel like you shouldn’t be looking. Hey check out that Casper #172 pic, the cover reminded me of Maple Leaf goalies come…
Batman #171, DC Comics, May 1965, Artist: Carmine Infantino . Carmine Infantino’s cover to Batman #171 is recognizable from across the convention floor, such a standout, I’ve owned a few but I’ll always remember seeing a copy in Boston maybe 20…
Four Color #170, Eastern Color, November 1947, Artist: Harvey Eisenberg . Have a good look at this Four Color #170 cover! Fantastic work and composition from Mr. Eisenberg. The mood and lighting are perfect, the fear in their eyes, the tension…
Doctor Strange #169, Marvel Comics, June 1968, Artist: Dan Adkins . Nice to have Dan Adkins chime in again with this terrific cover. I know it’s a static cover like most of the Spring 1968 Marvel relaunch covers but Adkins does…
X-Men #9, Marvel Comics, January 1965. This is a Spotlight I’ve had lined up for well over a year and yet for some reason I’ve been slow to post it. Now I actually may be a couple of months late…