Covered 238: Day 238
Batman #238, DC Comics, January 1972, Artist: Neal Adams. I guess my weakness for wrap-around covers is obvious but boy is Neal Adams’ cover to Batman #238 a sight to behold. Had it not been for Neal’s epic Batman cover…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Batman #238, DC Comics, January 1972, Artist: Neal Adams. I guess my weakness for wrap-around covers is obvious but boy is Neal Adams’ cover to Batman #238 a sight to behold. Had it not been for Neal’s epic Batman cover…
Batman #237, DC Comics, December 1971. Artist: Neal Adams. Neal Adams wins the day with his classic grim reaper cover to Batman #237. Jack Callahan combines a nice site gag with a pretty girl to drum up a winner of…
Fantastic Four #236, Marvel Comics, November 1981. Artist: John Byrne, Marie Severin. I love this 20th Anniversary celebration cover to Fantastic Four #236 by John Byrne and Marie Severin. Yikes, I consider this a modern book and its 38 years…
X-Men Legacy , Marvel Comics, June 2010. Artist: Dave Johnson. Mars Attacks! I love the aesthetics on Dave Johnson’s cover to X-Men Legacy #235! The only thing that kept Spectacular Spider-Man #235 from winning was the lack of Dazzler! Sal…
X-Factor #234, Marvel Comics, June 2012. Artist: David Yardin. David Yardin wallpaper, I’d buy some. Mr. Yardin has a style to his own, have a look at X-Factor #234, really good stuff from David Yardin. Neal Adams flushes out the…
Superman #233, DC Comics, January 1971. Artist: Neal Adams. Neal Adams steals the show with his iconic cover to Superman #233, this cover just stands out. One of my favourite comics in my collection is Undercover Girl #6 so it’s…
Justice League Of America #21, DC Comics, 1963. We were talking big comic book events at the shop recently, as a shopkeep I like the high profile, well-executed ones as they tend to bring good business. Anytime we have discussions…
Batman #232, DC Comics, June 1971. Artist: Neal Adams. Day 232 is a banner day !! Who said things were going to dry up?! The obvious pick for Day 232 is, of course, Batman #232, that cover that you can…
Four Color #231, Eastern Color, June 1949. Artist: Bill Wright. Four Color #231 is the #231 to own for its cover, high-quality work from Bill Wright. Hey, is this the Bill Wright of the Billy Wright Golden Age collection fame?…
Batman #230, DC Comics, March 1971. Artist: Neal Adams. I’ve always liked Neal Adams’ cover to Batman #230, hard in grade with that black background. Captain America #230 wasn’t far behind, strong cover from Ron Wilson. I’m also digging the…
Kid Colt Outlaw #229, Marvel Comics, April 1979. Artist: Gene Colan. Now that’s more like it, two rough and tumble cowboys smashing through the window of some two-bit saloon that sells watered-down whiskey. Gene Colan gives us one of the…
Four Color #228, Eastern Color, May 1949. Artist: Bill Ely. Bill Ely gives us some fine grace and elegance on the cover of Four Color #228, great perspective too. David Mazzucchelli nails the mood of Purgatory, a great issue from…
Batman #227, DC Comics, December 1970. Artist: Neal Adams. Call it a safe pick if you will but Neal Adams gave us a great cover on Batman #227, of course, it’s an homage but I’ve featured those before. Batman #227…
Marvel Tales #226, Marvel Comics, August 1989. Artist: Todd McFarlane. It came down to Batman #226 and Marvel Tales #226, Neal Adams versus Todd McFarlane. The beef I have with both covers is that the secondary characters suck but Spidey…
Amazing Spider-Man #225, Marvel Comics, February 1982. Artist: John Romita Jr. What better way to follow up a John Romita cover than to put up a John Romita Jr. Cover. Amazing Spider-Man #225 is one of those covers that always…
Action Comics #19, DC Comics, December 1939. This week’s Undervalued Spotlight came about because of an argument over Superman #2. A friend of mine, and a comic book nut, was arguing that Superman #2 should be featured on the Spotlight…
Thor #224, Marvel Comics, June 1974. Artist: John Romita. I’m gonna officially come out and say it, Day 224 was the worst day of the year so far for covers. Being the eternal optimist I’ll also add that it will…
Avengers #223, Marvel Comics, September 1982. Artist: Ed Hannigan. For you guys that follow the Undervalued Spotlight you might have suspected I would pick this. Ed Hannigan’s cover is awesome, Nuff said. Nice to see Andy Warhol do a cover…
Wonder Woman #222, DC Comics, December 2005. Artist: J.G. Jones. Day 222 will be themed, it belongs to the adversaries squaring off covers lead by J.G. Jones’ striking Wonder Woman #212 (1987 series). Marc Silvestri adds to the theme with…
Batman #221, DC Comics, May 1970. Artist: Neal Adams. I thought Batman #221 was the runaway winner today (I should have used that line on a Flash win). This is quality stuff from old Neal. I have a feeling we’ll…