Covered 365: Day 255
World’s Finest #255, DC Comics, March 1979, Artist: Jim Aparo. I’ve caught myself looking at your picks for the next day and felt they were swaying my decisions, it’s like I wanted to be nice to everybody. Well, it doesn’t…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
World’s Finest #255, DC Comics, March 1979, Artist: Jim Aparo. I’ve caught myself looking at your picks for the next day and felt they were swaying my decisions, it’s like I wanted to be nice to everybody. Well, it doesn’t…
Superman #254, DC Comics, July 1972, Artist: Nick Cardy. I’ve gained a new appreciation for Nick Cardy thanks to this column. I think his cover to Superman #254 is a standout. Speaking of gaining a new appreciation, David Yardin has…
Batman #253, DC Comics, September 1973, Artist: Mike Kaluta. The colours and the mood work really well on Mike Kaluta’s cover to Batman #253. Walt Kelly does it again, we need a good few minutes to drink in all that…
Avengers #80, Marvel Comics, September 1970. Avengers #80 features the first appearance of Red Wolf, a Native American hero with mystic powers, and his wolf companion Lobo. William Talltrees, son of Cheyenne tribal leader Thomas Talltrees, was the first Red…
Superman #252, DC Comics, June 1972, Artist: Neal Adams. Today it came down to a beautiful wrap-around cover versus a beautiful cover swipe. I’m not afraid to go with a swipe if I think it worthy but today I have…
Batman #251, DC Comics, September 1973, Artist: Neal Adams. We all knew it was coming, Neal Adams’ Batman #251 cover is one of the classic Joker covers, ever. I like the way John Byrne’s Cap looks on the cover of…
Incredible Hulk #250, Marvel Comics, August 1980, Artist: Al Milgrom. I mentioned this in the comments of Day 248 but I thought I’d put it in the body of the post for the big Day 250. With the cover selections…
Amazing Spider-Man #249, Marvel Comics, February 1984, Artist: John Byrne. Remember those old urban legends about the female secretaries winning weekly football pools because they picked by jersey colors? Well today I had it down to Daredevil #249 and Amazing…
Batman #248, DC Comics, April 1973, Artist: Mike Kaluta. Mike Kaluta is my Novak, making a living in the era of Neal Adams and Bernie Wrightson means you have to elevate your game and Kaluta sure did, his Bronze Age…
Four Color #247, Eastern Color, September 1949, Artist: Paul Norris. I’ve always wondered where that light bulb missing from my dining room chandelier went to. Now I know. Paul Norris took it! And he put it on Flash Gordon’s head…
Four Color #246, Eastern Color, September 1949, Artist: Morris Gollub. We’ve seen Morris Gollub here before and I hope we see more of him real soon. All the Zane Grey Four Color covers are very cool and unique, Four Color…
Marvel Premiere #3, Marvel Comics, July 1972. Someone was talking the other day of a strong sales result of a nice copy of Strange Tales #110, the book that features the first appearance of Doctor Strange. I’ve noticed the book…
Amazing Spider-Man #245, Marvel Comics, October 1983, Artist: John Romita Jr. I’ve always loved the cover to Amazing Spider-Man #245, great work from Junior. I really like the Leinil Francis Yu Fantastic Four Variant cover to X-Men Legacy #245, great…
Four Color #244, Eastern Color, September 1942, Artist: Walt Kelly. Look at the mastery of Walt Kelly on the cover of Four Color #244, you need 5 minutes to take this cover in properly, simply wonderful art. Of the 3…
Superman #243, DC Comics, October 1971, Artist: Neal Adams. I tried so hard not to pick this cover, but this boy from the Balkans knows what he likes and I really like Neal Adams’ cover to Superman #243. Apologies to…
Batman #242, DC Comics, June 1972, Artist: Mike Kaluta. I’m a big Mike Kaluta fan and I love the scene and the mood on the cover of Batman #242. Neal Adams hits again with a strong cover to Superman #242.…
Captain America #241, Marvel Comics, January 1980, Artist: Frank Miller. Frank Miller’s cover to Captain America #241 has always been a standout and its always been an in-demand book. The dream team of Neal Adams pencils and Bernie Wrightson inks…
X-Men #240, Marvel Comics, January 1989, Artist: Marc Silvestri. Day 240 makes two wanting days in a row. I’m to the point in this exercise where I do not look ahead, so I’m always hopeful tomorrow will be a better…
Daredevil #239, Marvel Comics, February 1987, Artist: Art Adams. Yikes, Day 239 really was underwhelming. I’ve always had a begrudging respect for the cover of Daredevil #239 while I think the scene depicted is too callous artist Art Adams gives…
Bunny #12, Harvey, November 1969. I was at Fan Expo in Toronto over the weekend and was visiting a dealer pal from Winnipeg at his booth. As we were chatting he says “hey Walt I have a Spotlight pick for…