Week 37: The Pawn Shop
It was way too cool in Southern Ontario yesterday – 18 Celsius or about 64 Fahrenheit! I love summer, please don’t leave yet! This week I thought I’d try to generate all the splash pages from my eBay pile. Its…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
It was way too cool in Southern Ontario yesterday – 18 Celsius or about 64 Fahrenheit! I love summer, please don’t leave yet! This week I thought I’d try to generate all the splash pages from my eBay pile. Its…
The 50th edition of the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide hit the shelves last Wednesday so it’s a good time to open it up and check it out. For the rest of this post, I’ll simply call it the Guide. It…
I’m back with some more Splash Pages, this week I leaned on some I found while working on eBay listings and I had a visit from my pal Ivan yesterday so he inspired one. Al Plastino, who I’m afraid I…
I was sorting through piles of old comics for some eBay listings last week and came across a big fat pile of Westerns. There were some really old ones going back into the 40s and there were lots of 50s…
I saw this great panel by Irwin Hasen, with Bob Oksner inks, from All Star Comics #47 and for some reason reminds me of many of my trips to comic cons, I’m sure it does the same for our friend…
Last week we were packing up some toys to send down to Action Figure Authority (AFA), these folks are the CGC of toy grading and we sent them two huge boxes of goodies to grade. I got to thinking about…
Week 34 already !!! Time is flying folks, lets try and slow it down a bit by taking our sweet old time to enjoy some great comic book splash pages. Incredible Hulk #107 was on my eBay auction pile for…
A couple of months ago in this column I talked about Good Girl Art covers and in the post I mentioned a few of the iconic ones and I also wrote that I wasn’t qualified to rate them. I’m walking…
A few years back my wife and I went to the Jardin Nelson bistro in Old Montreal, nice place with a big atrium featuring a hanging garden in the dining area. This smooth talking French waiter seats my wife facing…
I was talking to a pal about real estate the other day, we were both lamenting on how hard it is for young people to aspire to homeownership. Housing prices are so high and high-income jobs seem harder and harder…
I can’t repeat myself enough, Jack Kirby is a beast, an absolute menace, the man’s imagination was infinite, from Kamandi #16, April 1974. My pal Trace from Eclipse Paper out in Winnipeg sent me in this Gil Kane two page…
Last week I received an email from a writer at one of the comic book news websites asking me on my thoughts on Comicsgate and its impact on local comic book shops. I had no clue what Comicsgate was so…
What is it about Batman and guns, Bob Kane knew it was an irresistible combo and used it well in this splash for Detective Comics #72. Rich Buckler and Klaus Janson give us a very unique two page splash in…
Short and sweet this week as I’m on holiday up in Blue Mountain, Ontario. Blue Mountain is on the shores of Georgian Bay, this is Tom Thompson and the Group of Seven country up here. Our fearless EiC Scott always…
I thought I’d lead off with a memorable splash from DC New 52’s Catwoman #1, from November 2011. I remember when this dropped and it created quite a stir. Guillem March is the artist that will live in infamy, I…
I’ve spent a lot of time talking about how important covers are as demand drivers and drivers of value. Today I’m going to roll out the first of a series of Top 20 Covers from multiple genres and eras. This…
Couldn’t pick a theme this week but I knew I had to show you this nasty Bob Fujitani splash from Pep Comics. I had Bob featured in Week 1 and I’m not sure why I’ve waited this long for his…
What the heck is happening out there? It seems big Marvel Keys are setting record prices every time they go up for sale. No, I’m not talking about the early 60s Marvel Keys, nor am I talking about the relaunch…
I think I’m starting to get a bit paranoid now, I think I may have posted one or two of the below pages, remember I’m not keeping track so call me out if you find one and I’ll add an…
I saw this feed come up on my phone about all the new superhero movies set to come out over the next two years. I’m embarrassed to admit it but I’ve kind of forgotten about superhero movies and movies in…