Grading Companies Not To Blame For Misuse
Know your business comic buyers….and you won’t get ripped off.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Know your business comic buyers….and you won’t get ripped off.
Readers and collectors just have to refuse to spend hard-earned money on some of the junk that's thrown our way whether it's in the primary or the secondary market. As a reader-collector, I'm very discriminating in what I buy and collect because at $4 a pop - more for some books - reading comics is becoming a very expensive hobby; even more so for the serious collector seeking to purchase the classics.
If we don't fall for the junk we can help keep some of the nonsense out of the market and ensure we get the most for our money
As a journalist, I do everything I can to promote comic writing and art to the public, particularly for youngsters. Heck, if it weren’t for comics, I seriously doubt I would have ever learned to read. Comics today can be a spark younger people may need to lead them to a lifetime of wonder and imagination in both words and art.
For the average comics collector, prices on the most sought after books and even some of the more common fare are getting way out of sight. There’s no way most can compete with high-end speculators, collectors and investors with more…
Although they may not be familiar to many young comics readers except through movies, “Masks” remains true to the original characters throughout while assembling their talents to fight a war that could be front page headlines today - the evil of politicians with too much power.
I've come to the conclusion that, as much as I love good comic art, it's good writing that keeps me coming back for more.
At one time or another all comic readers and collectors wind up with a pile of books they don’t want any more, but know they will probably have a hard time selling. Maybe you still have a collection of early…
There was a lot of concern among readers of DC comics when the company announced a total revamp of its iconic characters in the “New 52.” Even long-running Superman, Action Comics, Detective and Batman were going to begin again at…