Scott VanderPloeg

Scott VanderPloeg

Scott works in I.T. but lives to eat and read. His other ramblings can be found at AE Index and eBabble. Art collection at Comic Art Fans.

Friends With Boys

A graphic novel offered serially online and in print by Faith Erin Hicks, a wonderfully talented Canadian cartoonist. [quote]A coming-of-age tale with a spooky twist! Maggie McKay hardly knows what to do with herself. After an idyllic childhood of homeschooling…

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Retailer Q | #9: DC’s New 52 Six Months In

Welcome to Retailer Q, spinning 52Q’s format at top Canadian comic retailers. Comic Book Daily asks the question and our retail friends give their perspective. DC's New 52 is six months old, titles have been cancelled and new titles announced; all in all a resounding success. As retailers are you seeing sales of DC's titles sinking back to pre-relaunch numbers? Are you selling more DC titles than you were before the relaunch? How does DC's future look from this point on?
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The Shark King

After being enthralled with Night Fisher I was anxious to read R. Kikuo Johnson’s next comic endeavour The Shark King. [quote]From the islands of Hawaii comes the electrifying tale of Nanaue, who has to balance his yearning for Dad’s guidance…

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Luz Sees The Light

As I roamed the aisles of March’s Toronto Comicon I came across Claudia Dávila promoting her recent work Luz Sees The Light, a graphic novel with a strong environmental message for young people. [quote]Change is in the air. Power outages are…

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