Ed Campbell

Ed Campbell

Ed Campbell is a collector of comics and action figures, primarily G.I. Joe. He is also a Cosplayer with Thor and Captain America as just a few of the characters in his arsenal. When not fulfilling his Comic Book Daily duties, he's "working for a living", volunteering his time for his local Fall Fair, and spending as much time with his family as possible. Use the links below to get in contact with him.

Review | Pitiful Human Lizard #1

Canada has a new super hero, and he is pitiful... well technically he is the "Pitiful Human Lizard". Pitiful Human Lizard was created by Toronto area comic creator Jason Loo. Jason launched a successful Kickstarter campaign to help fund the production of the first issue of his comic. Not only did Jason reach his $4500 goal, he surpassed it and was able to meet his first "stretch goal" of $6000.

Read MoreReview | Pitiful Human Lizard #1

FCBD @ Big B (and some cosplay too)

I spent Free Comic Book Day 2014 helping out Big B Comics in Barrie. The night before FCBD we were set up at the theatre in Barrie for Amazing Spider-Man 2. We had a table set up displaying all the comics that were available for pick-up the next day. Plus I was able to talk to the audience at each of the screens showing ASM2, to talk to them about FCBD. What it's about, and where they can join in on the action.

Read MoreFCBD @ Big B (and some cosplay too)

Superman – Good Ol’ Farmboy

Superheroes come from all walks of life. There are millionaires and billionaires. There are scientists, geniuses and really smart people. There are soldiers, spies and former bad-asses who walk the thin line between right and wrong. There are also angst filled teenagers, and people with emerging powers trying to find the balance between being a hero and a normal person. But there is only one who I immediately think of who is a farmer... and that is Superman.

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GTA Comic Con 2014

April 19th/2014 was the inaugural GTA Comic Con at the Sheraton Hotel in Toronto. The show was organized and presented by RPG Events, who also organizes the Canadian ToyCon and Burlington Toy Show. This was their first foray into being a straight comic book convention, with of course, attractions for all fans of comics, toys, collectibles and general "nerdery".

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Spoiling the secret of Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Did you catch Marvel Studios: Assembling a Universe on TV last week? In case you missed it, let me recap very quickly. It was essentially a State-of-the-Union address from Marvel Studios, explaining how the Marvel Cinematic Universe came to be, how we got to today, and where it is going into the future. All 3 waves of Marvel films were summarized, as well as the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV show and the Marvel One-Shots (the special features on the Marvel Blu-Rays).

It was exceptional television. Except for one thing...

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Toronto ComiCon 2014: Saturday

Toronto ComiCon is done for another year. The vendors have packed up and headed home. Convention goers are busy reading those comics they found, or setting up those brand new action figures. And everybody is planning for Fan Expo in August.

I was able to attend the ComiCon on Saturday only. Unfortunately my schedule didn't allow for me to be there the other two days. But I think I was able to get good insight on the show, even with just attending that one day.

Read MoreToronto ComiCon 2014: Saturday

Captain Canuck Panel

Panelists: Fadi Hakim, Richard Comely, Paul Gardner, Dean Henry, Mike Valiquette, Kalman Andrasofszky, George Zotti.

The panel started with a viewing of the Captain Canuck web-series in its entirety. The web-series is an animated adventure that introduces (or re-familiarizes) Canada with their very own hero Captain Canuck. You can catch the series on the Captain Canuck website.

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Jacking Up The Price

When it comes to action figures, there are popular figures and there are "highly sought after figures". And most times, the popular figures are not the ones that die-hard collector's want. We want the hard to find and obscure characters.

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