The Worlds of Mark Schultz
One of my favorite artists that exists outside of the Silver or Bronze age is Mark Schultz. He is not very prolific, by his own admission, but his work is amazing to behold. He is certainly best known for Xenozoic Tales…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
One of my favorite artists that exists outside of the Silver or Bronze age is Mark Schultz. He is not very prolific, by his own admission, but his work is amazing to behold. He is certainly best known for Xenozoic Tales…
Finally, after 3 1/2 years, I have finished my original graphic novel “Splashdown.” Splashdown takes place in the early 1960’s, at the height of the Cold War and the beginning of the space race, between the United States and Russia.…
Well Fan Expo has once again come and gone, and this year I was only able to make it for the Saturday. I usually do a couple of days but alas, this year was not to be. Now usually every…
August 28th would have been Jack Kirby’s 100th birthday. This column is not going to recap his story so much, as there are a ton of articles and celebrations from people that actually knew the man, I only had the pleasure of…
I came across an interesting article recently that I wanted to bring to everyone’s attention. The article is by Adam Barnhardt over at Comicbook.com: I found this quite interesting and would be interested in hearing the thoughts of the…
The team of John Byrne and Terry Austin burst into comic consciousness in a big way with X-Men #108. They came in to finish off the Empress Lilandra and the Imperial Guard /Starjammers storyline and exploded in what was undoubtedly one of the…
When I initially was planning to do this post, I was going to talk about one of the most revered winning collaborations out there, John Byrne and Terry Austin’s run on the X-men. Which culminated with the Dark Phoenix Saga. However when…
My comments here are going to be short but sweet. I did not know that the Original Art to Amazing Fantasy#15 was donated to the U.S. Library of Congress in 2008 by an anonymous donor. The story goes that the…
It cannot be underestimated how important the artistic team is on a comic book. It can make or break a title. The interesting thing is that over time (sometimes years) a title will go through wild swings in the life of…
One of the most sobering aspects of growing older is the loss of the people around you that have had a profound effect on your life. The loss of reference points to different times in your life, one by one,…
I’m not even sure how I came across this, but I sure knew I wanted to share it from the moment I saw it. Superman debuted in 1939 and shortly after that the Max Fleischer Studios were approached to do…
About a month ago I wrote a column called You’re Creators…So Create Already. It was quite a passionate column with a lot of comments. Mostly lamenting the direction in which Marvel, in particular, had taken in their storytelling. The vast majority of…
Last week I traveled back in time. It was a simpler time. I drank water from the outdoor water hose. I watched Saturday Morning cartoon shows and I read “The Worlds Greatest Comic Magazine”! I stepped back in time to wonderment and surprise…
You know, I realize that I am just a single comic book fan, who is fortunate enough to have a forum like Comic Book Daily, to blab on about what is on my mind regarding comic books in general. I…
Happy New Year Everyone! At the end of 2016, I decided to sell off some of my original art collection. It is always a bit of a scary proposition, because unlike Graded Comic Books the price of artwork can have…
It would have been Big John Buscema’s 89th birthday this week. The man who was one of the Silver Age greats who literally transformed the Marvel Age of comics into the Marvel House style after Jack Kirby left Marvel for DC, and is responsible,…
Well, I am officially an old guy. Rascally Roy Thomas otherwise known as Roy (The Boy) Thomas turned 76 on November 22nd. Not only was Roy Stan Lee’s first successor as Editor-In-Chief of Marvel comics and the carrier of the…
I’ll just warn you right up front! This article is gushing praise for Al Williamson’s “The Empire Strikes Back” Artist Edition! Now I have been a huge fan of Al Williamson, all the way back to Flash Gordon as well as…
Every time one of Scott VanderPloeg’s Artist Edition reviews (AE) comes out, I feel another withdrawal coming on. As in bank withdrawal. I’m a big fan of the Artist edition format, for the obvious reason that it is great to see such…
There were Treasury Editions! Before there were Artist Editions and the like, both Marvel and DC experimented with oversize volumes that collected both reprints and original stories. They were printed in oversize volumes, roughly 10.5″ x 13.5″. Printed on regular…