Ditko or Romita Spider-Man?
I came onto the collecting scene at age 10 and issue number 62 of the Amazing Spider-Man. This was when the Silver Age hit its peak! The explosion of titles and the full-blown mastery of the form had arrived. Spidey…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
I came onto the collecting scene at age 10 and issue number 62 of the Amazing Spider-Man. This was when the Silver Age hit its peak! The explosion of titles and the full-blown mastery of the form had arrived. Spidey…
Last week Carbon 3 was released by Mark Schultz. If you are not familiar with Mark Schultz, he is most famous for being the Creator of Xenozoic Tales and Cadillacs and Dinosaurs. He is notoriously slow and has not done…
Rather than pontificating this post, I found an interesting article with a very pointed take on current comics, particularly Marvel. Former Marvel Editor-In-Chief Jim Shooter Eviscerates the Current State of Marvel Comics! Since this topic usually elicits strong feelings I…
I went to this year’s Fan Expo looking, as I always do, for some series that I either missed, or didn’t know existed, and this year was no exception. Now I am usually art driven first and story second. Jackson”Butch”…
Well, it has arrived! Now I am a regular collector of the Artist/Artifact Editions and without a doubt, this is a treasure. It’s hard to not rush through it the first time through, because there is page after page of…
There was a thread on byrnerobotics.com over the last few weeks that generated a ton of excitement in followers of John Byrne. The question came up asking if you could you go back to Marvel and pencil for somebody else to…
It is really hard to write about an artist that means so much to this hobby and who has lived his life as a virtual recluse. Steve Ditko passed away in his 90th year. To say he was an amazing…
I was in a Chapters a few weeks back picking up some non-comic book related reading material and decided to take a walk over to the Graphic novel section. My copy of Batman Year One had mysteriously disappeared and I…
This column is a little premature. The Fantastic Four reboot doesn’t happen until August, but I must say I have tempered enthusiasm as any of the several variant covers that I have seen haven’t really excited me. I like Esad Ribic, but…
Having grown up during the Silver Age of comics, many of my favorite artists have unfortunately passed away. So the announcements over the last few years for Fan Expo in Toronto, haven’t gotten that rush of adrenaline happening for me.…
I recently read an article regarding the Holocaust and that one-fifth of millennials in the U.S., a full 22% haven’t heard of ,or aren’t sure if they’ve ever heard of, the Holocaust, according to a study published on International Holocaust…
I just jumped in the deep end. I am an admitted Son of the Silver Age, Marvel Silver Age to be precise. I came to the conclusion at the ripe old age of ten that I was a Marvel guy.…
It’s amazing how many times on Facebook, or different message boards someone gets made out to be the bad guy. I tend to take most of these comments as nothing more than someones opinion, not necessarily fact. I have also …
Well it’s been a while since there has been a monthly Fantastic Four (FF) comic, and I for one really miss it. There is now talk of the possibility of bringing the FF into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) since…
So, I was looking through one of my bookcases full of graphic novels, artists profiles, Jack Kirby Collectors et cetera, for something to peruse and ran my fingers across the TPB of Daredevil Born Again. My finger stopped. My mind…
Well I am taking the lazy way out for the first post of 2018. I came across this fabulous 1994 Documentary of our fabulous hobby. So many of the greats have left us. Here, through the miracle of YouTube is…
I have been working up for this, my last column of 2017 for the whole year. The idea came to mind as many do, completely by accident. Every once in awhile a Silver age page of Jack Kirby pencils makes its way…
I enjoyed the first 28 issues of Gotham Central so much that I couldn’t stop, and had to finish the 40 issue series. I really love this series. I’m not going to give any storylines or plot twists away because…
Now I am venturing way out of the Silver Age on this post! I reread the first 28 issues of 2003’s Gotham Central over the last week, and what a great read it was. The series is written by Brubaker…
On November 2nd, Steve Ditko turned ninety! The rather reclusive Ditko, in his usual fashion, kept out of the spotlight altogether. If you are reading this column, you are likely well aware of the incredible amount of work that Mr.…