Joe Sinnott R.I.P.
Joe Sinnott passed away on June 25th, 2020. I first saw Joltin’ Joe Sinnott’s inking on the first issue of the Fantastic Four (FF) I bought off the stands, FF #76. I was 10 years old and it was the…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Joe Sinnott passed away on June 25th, 2020. I first saw Joltin’ Joe Sinnott’s inking on the first issue of the Fantastic Four (FF) I bought off the stands, FF #76. I was 10 years old and it was the…
It has been a while since I last ruminated to you about Tales from the Comicdenn. The last three months have been difficult for us all, but, at least we had comic books to get us through COVID-19! I have…
I ordered this Hardcover Graphic Novel sight-unseen based upon the title alone, and a small pic with the cover image. What a great title! It invoked a rebirth of sorts in the title, and I didn’t know what to expect.…
I have really been enjoying John Byrne’s return to the X-Men on his Byrne Robotics site under the Fan Fic (Fan Fiction) heading. This link will get you to page one of issue one. We are about halfway through issue…
August 28, 2019, would have been the King’s 102nd Birthday. I can’t help but think how much the comics world has changed since his death in February of 1994. I didn’t find out about his passing until almost 10 years…
I was eleven in 1968 when the original Planet of the Apes was released. I didn’t see it in the theatre, so by the time it came out on TV it was probably 1969 maybe even 1970. Everything about that…
As a self-proclaimed “son of the silver age” my introduction to comics really took off from watching the Saturday Morning cartoons in 1967 which introduced me to the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man. That was truly the catalyst that brought me…
I just picked up issue one of Superman Year One by Frank Miller and John Romita Jr. This is one of DC’s new Black Label imprint, which features stories outside of DC’s regular continuity and geared towards a more discerning,…
Just in time for Christmas, the King Size Ditko is…Amazing will be released to an eager group of silver age fans. Steve Ditko is mostly known for his work. Best known as the creator/co-creator of Spider-Man and Doctor Strange. He…
I recently picked up Ron Garney’s Daredevil run from 2016. I like his stuff. I think my favourite work was his “Men of Wrath ” 5 issue mini-series. It opened my eyes to what he was capable of doing. Great…
I just finished the second issue of Amber Blake published by IDW. I became aware of this book quite by accident when I was perusing Dave Karlen Original Art. He is the agent for Butch Guice and being a big…
After 69 years in the comics industry, Joltin’ Joe Sinnott has officially retired…again. He first retired 29 years ago but since that time has been inking the Amazing Spider-Man newspaper strip over Alex Saviuk’s pencils. Joe Sinnott is considered by…
The Toronto Comic Con was a couple of weeks ago, and as usual, I had a list of items I wanted to pick up to complete some runs or just to pick up for the sake of reading runs I…
I came across a great article on an interesting site called Pop Culture Squad. It was a first-hand account of one of the giants of the comic book hobby, the reclusive Steve Ditko. I am going to take the easy…
The English idiom “don’t judge a book by its cover” is a metaphorical phrase which means “you shouldn’t prejudge the worth or value of something by its outward appearance alone”. Thanks Wikipedia. Now you may be thinking that this doesn’t…
IDW has published a new series of oversized Marvel signed and numbered artist collections in hardcover. Don’t ask me what IDW is doing publishing these but since they are now publishing a kid-friendly line for Marvel, maybe we shouldn’t be…
Last column I brought to your attention the new publishing house TKO Studios. Of the four offerings that were available I ordered “Sara” by Garth Ennis and Steve Epting, with colours by Elizabeth Breitweiser and “The Fearsome Doctor Fang” by…
Well, there is a “New Kid in Town” called TKO Studios. They look to do things a little differently than the usual distribution method. The big name that caught my eye was Steve Epting and Garth Ennis WWII era storyline…
As I am wont to do, I was looking at a random long box and this one happened to be the Mighty Thor. I have a good run from Journey Into Mystery #121 up which was, for me, when the…
What is it that I can say regarding Stan Lee’s passing that hasn’t already been said. The only thing I can say is how I feel about it. I never met Stan, although I certainly felt like I knew him…