Cool stuff in my stash
My collection is quite minimal and modest compared to most… to be honest. But I do own a few little gems that are definitely cool and I wanted to share the highlights here and encourage you to do the same,…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
My collection is quite minimal and modest compared to most… to be honest. But I do own a few little gems that are definitely cool and I wanted to share the highlights here and encourage you to do the same,…
1) Downloads. Download 2 things immediately: Bottom of the Ninth digital comic app and The Orbiting Pod Podcast. Bottom of the Ninth is a digital comic app created by Ryan Woodward and should be shared with any person whom is…
Easily the coolest storyteller in the history of cool storytellers’: Quentin Tarantino is a formidable force in the wonderful world of favourable fiction. His fans love him almost unconditionally and why shouldn’t they? His work often has funny, cool, smart…
Don’t worry, It’s nearly the end of January and I’m told “there will always be a Spring”. If we take that literally, the sky will soon be blue again, trees will once again have actual leaves on them and nerds…
Dear Damon, Carlton, JJ and friends, please can we have a LOST comic book? The stereotypical nerd-culture fan – for whom this suggestion would cause a desperate drowning in their own misplaced, protective high-horsedness – could easily hide behind “they should…
2012 was a milestone year for comics at the movies. Marvel’s characters blew everything else away in the biggest movie-event of the summer and the general interest in comic characters reached new heights as ‘nerdism’ was celebrated among civilians as…
Technology has reached a point where story could be created and shared in a new and different way. It’s time to take that opportunity by the scruff of the neck, and discover what’s actually possible by combining print and digital to…
“The Dandy launches sound and motion digital comic to celebrate 75 years in the biz”… and stops printing books on actual paper all together. On December 4th 1937, DC Thomson began publishing the most successful comic in Britain. To this day,…
Welcome to the final installment of my little fan-art post. The aim here was to show the journey of an idea as it evolves from the murky depths of my frenzied fanboy brain, through my mildly capable fingertips and onto a page…
I just found out about this and decided to share it here. The British Comic Awards is a brand new initiative to annually celebrate the very best in British comics. The aim is to commend and highlight the best stories…
Following on from last weeks’ post, I just wanted to share the sketch is it is now. The idea for this ‘make-believe’ storyline is to suggest a catastrophe in NYC with the JLA discovering the discarded remains of the currently…
So, I’ve decided to do a little fan-art JLA cover and document the progress here. The idea for this ‘make-believe’ storyline is to suggest a catastrophe in NYC with the JLA discovering the discarded remains of the – currently missing…
“Last weekend’s MCM London Comic Con smashed all previous attendance records, with more than 70,000 visitors coming through the doors of ExCel.” “Europe’s equivalent to San Diego Comic Con, MCM London Comic Con has gone from strength to strength over…
I’m not sure if ‘Half Term’ is something that happens in Canada or the US but on this side of the pond, every school in the UK take a break for a week in the middle of each term and…
Tragically losing the rather astonishing Heath Ledger after his first and only portrayal of the greatest comics villain to ever grace our movie theaters was… beyond all else, bad news for the future of DC Movies. If you remove the hearts and…
Happy days. I recently received my tickets for the up-coming MCM London Comic Con on the 26th through 28th of October at the ExCel Center in the heart of London’s Royal Docks. Cheers. Since then, I’ve been receiving the marketing updates and…
The background in a comic is a place where nothing happens. In comics, a lot of the background space is often sacrificed in order to tell the story with dialog and narration AKA: the words. The background is also occasionally…
Do the big 2 need to provide a solid creator owned platform for their regular talent? Or is it better that Marvel and DC maintain a primary mind-set of “Our property, edited our way.”? allowing the second tier publishers…
DC Comics September 12: “You may remember that at San Diego Comic Con we announced that Vertigo will be publishing a DJANGO UNCHAINED mini-series based on the upcoming film by Quentin Tarantino. This morning, we revealed that R.M. Guéra (Scalped) is the interior artist on the DJANGO UNCHAINED…
I’d like to talk about the past year at DC comics, If I may. I’d like to open the door on how we think it’s all gone, a year on? With the luxury of hindsight. It’s been a full year…