Comic Book Daily Staff

Comic Book Daily Staff

Comic Book Daily, discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting. Thanks for stopping by; if you like what you read please take a moment and have a look around.

#44: Digital Reading

Every week Comic Book Daily asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers; we’ll be doing this for 52 weeks. Tip of the hat goes to the gang at Scans Daily for the inspiration and Scott VanderPloeg for this week’s question.

With all this "digital" talk about comics I'm interested to know who is reading any comics digitally? Our group here is a hardcore comic shop group but have we taken a walk on the interwebs and sampled its wares?

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#43: Getting Around To It

Every week Comic Book Daily asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers; we’ll be doing this for 52 weeks. Tip of the hat goes to the gang at Scans Daily for the inspiration and Scott VanderPloeg for this week’s question.

This week's 52Q comes as I look at a pile of abound: sixty collected editions stacked beside my chair. What comic are you buying but never get around to reading, and why do you keep putting it off?

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#42 CBD DC Draft

Every week Comic Book Daily asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers; we’ll be doing this for 52 weeks. Tip of the hat goes to the gang at Scans Daily for the inspiration and Ed Campbell for this week’s question.

Since DC is going to "re-launch" (not reboot) the entire DC Universe, what is your ideal creative team for which book in the DC relaunch?

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MSC #59

Mike’s Stupid Comics is the brainchild of Mike Laidman: a semi-autobiographical “slice of life” tale featuring video games, ninjas, paintball and more! You can catch more of it over at

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MSC #58

Mike’s Stupid Comics is the brainchild of Mike Laidman: a semi-autobiographical “slice of life” tale featuring video games, ninjas, paintball and more! You can catch more of it over at

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