Wolverine and the X-Men #2
Last week the second issue of Wolverine and the X-Men hit shelves. With a lackluster first issue behind it, I’m left to wonder how Aaron and Bachalo can recover. Let’s take a look at issue two of Wolverine and the X-Men.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Last week the second issue of Wolverine and the X-Men hit shelves. With a lackluster first issue behind it, I’m left to wonder how Aaron and Bachalo can recover. Let’s take a look at issue two of Wolverine and the X-Men.
Last week DC released the third issue of one of its less prominent books in Red Hood and the Outlaws #3. Having gained more notoriety it seems for its reportedly over-sexualized artwork than its own merits, let's take a look at this latest release from DC's New 52.
Spiraling out of the events of The War of the Green Lanterns, the Green Lantern title found itself in uncharted territory with long-time GL antagonist Sinestro back in the green and black. Volume five of Green Lantern is now three issues into its run, all with the greatest Green Lantern (villain) at the helm of the title. The question is whether the title is still holding its weight as a story.
I'm back this week after cutting my CBD work week in half due to extra-curricular activities to bring you the latest part of Rick Remender's Dark Angel Saga. Wolverine and his team have jumped from their own dimension to the AoA realm and come back only to find their friend has been overtaken and is the new Apocalypse.
Last week saw the debut of the other crown jewel of the Regenesis saga hit store shelves in the first issue of Uncanny X-Men's second volume. Coming out of Schism, the X-Men are left divided into two factions split along ideological lines. Perhaps at their most precarious, split between Utopia and Westchester, Uncanny X-Men follows Cyclops, Emma Frost, Magneto, Storm, Hope, Namor and others as mutantkind enters a time of great uncertainty.
The seventh issue of S. Steven Struble and Sina Grace's series about the li'l depressed boy named LDB hit store shelves last week. The story chronicles a down-on-his-luck boy who's thrown from one emotional extreme to the next, which is something I think we all know too well.
The X-Men's re-genesis is upon us, and one of the first titles of the new era X-Men era features one of the more popular mutants in the X-universe, Wolverine, moving many former Utopians back across the United States to Westchester to re-open "the school." Read on to find out more about the first day of school for Wolverine and his X-Men.
In the wake of Schism, everything has changed for the X-Men. To emphasize that change, Marvel decided to end the long-running X-title, Uncanny X-Men, as of issue 544. With this final issue one door closes on the X-Men's pasts, while another door opens towards their future.
Historically the Justice League series of comics has been of the preeminent staples in the DCU, almost always featuring the best and brightest DC has to offer. That point was driven home further when Justice League #1 was the first series of the re-launch, ushering in DC comics’ new era. Issue two hit shelves last week, and it continues the story of the first meeting between the DCU heavyhitters.
The first issue of Shade hit comic book shelves last week, very likely under the radar amid the trove of titles that included Buffy the Vampire Slayer, X-Men and Green Lantern. The book, penned by James Robinson, features the mysterious mystic known as Shade. The book at least to this point has been confirmed as a 12-issue maxi-series, but has been promised to be home to a fair number of surprises throughout the series, one of which calls this issue home.
Schism is over and the X-Men are left fractured. The only question left is, who stays on Utopia and who moves back to New York to help rebuild the mansion and the school with Wolverine?
In the aftermath of the War of the Green Lanterns, Kyle Rayner was left without his girlfriend, and was escorted from Oa after defending the Guardians from an attack from Corps members hoping to assassinate Sinestro. Now off on his own, Rayner must new face challenges both from himself and from familiar allies and enemies alike.
Issue one of the new Batman series hit store shelves last week, perhaps the premier title of the third week of DC Comics' relaunch. The book features Scott Snyder at the helm as Bruce Wayne is formally returned to the scene of his greatest triumphs and failures: Gotham.
Last week the fourth issue of the X-Men event of the year was released, with tensions rising to a fevered pitch in Jason Aaron’s Schism story. This week CBD takes a look at the penultimate issue of the mini-series as round one of Cyclops vs. Wolverine begins.
Alongside the other relaunched DC titles is a new series featuring the Red Lanterns in their own book, in addition to the other three Green Lantern series. Red Lanterns is penned by Peter Milligan, with the first issue having been released last week alongside Green Lantern.
Last week the Dark Angel Saga continued with issue 15 of Remender's rendition of the X-Force, bringing the team's dream of saving Worthington closer to its conclusion. What they found once they returned was instead their worst nightmare staring them coldly in the eyes. This week we're taking a look at the latest issue of Uncanny X-Force.
I received a distressing piece of news Sept. 15: Showcase, one of Canada’s specialty networks, opted not to renew the television series Almost Heroes for a second season. This, considering it was one of my favourite shows within the last year, quickly prompted me to tweet my displeasure like any other self-respecting new media junkie and classify it as a blunder on par with Fox cancelling any show that was ever worthwhile. Please see Firefly, Dollhouse and Arrested Development for further reference. At this point I imagine, though, that you’re questioning what it is I’m blabbering about.
This week we're also taking a look at another of the new DC 52 number ones, this time the Emerald Archer himself, Green Arrow. Coming off a tumultuous year in the life of Oliver Queen, the series has been rebooted, taking Oliver Queen back to a location he's not been in some time. Intrigued? Then read forth.
Last week the second wave of DC's New 52 hit shelves, among them the first issue of the relaunched Action Comics penned by star writer Grant Morrison. This week we're taking a look at the first issue of DC's most renowned series.
With Schism winding down, ironically with the end of mutantkind's unity in tow, Marvel has been slowly revealing the members of the 21st century versions of the X-Men blue and gold teams.