Fantagraphics’ recent reprints of the Prince Valiant strip, scanned from original color engraver’s proof sheets, have received international acclaim, and now we are printing the Holy Grail of comics art. Hal Foster’s Prince Valiant Artist’s Edition is a 192-page collection scanned from Foster’s original pages and printed in full color, capturing every nuance of Foster’s masterly brush strokes. Each page is so rare that the sum total of the original art reprinted in this book would likely cost millions. From Foster’s very first Prince Valiant page to his very last the public will be treated to a selection of some of the most iconic and beautiful comic art ever made.
- Fantagraphics, September 20, 2017
- ISBN: 978-1-60699-897-7
- 17” x 23 1⁄4”, 160 pages
- $175 USD
- Order Online:,, Things From Another World
As with all original artist’s gallery editions this is a collection of classic comic material and I’ll be reviewing the book and not the story. For a complete list of all current and announced editions, with review links, please visit our Index.
Please visit AE Index for the complete review.