Most Expensive Comics Ever Sold
Check out Chris and Walt’s new show on the Top 10 Most Expensive Comics ever sold! Do you have any of these? Let us know!
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Every Wednesday, Comic Book Daily plays host to the weekly pop culture podcast hosted by Christopher Owen and Walter Durajlija.
Check out Chris and Walt’s new show on the Top 10 Most Expensive Comics ever sold! Do you have any of these? Let us know!
Join Walt and Chris as they invite the great Shecky for the annual Comic Culture Valentines Day Poem Off. Who had the best poem? Listen in and let us know. Hey, don’t be afraid to type in your own love…
This week, Chris and Walt talk about… well… nothing. Let us know what you think.
This week, Chris and Walt have the creator of Captain Canuck, Mr. Richard Comely on the show. Richard is gearing up for the 50th anniversary of Canada’s Captain next year. Let us know what you think of the show!
This week Walt and Chris invite Skekky to produce their annual Valentine’s Day poem. Do you have any Valentine’s Day loves? Do you have a poem for us? Let us know!
This week, Chris and Walt discuss what it’s like trying to sell comics and who to talk to. Have you ever sold anything? Tell us about it in the comments.
This week Chris and Walt talk shop about, well… talkin’ shop. How often do you talk about comics with your fellow collectors? Do you have a club you belong to? Let us know in the comments!
This week, Chris and Walt talk about what their collecting habits will be like for this coming new year. What are you going to buy this year? What are you planning on doing with your collection? Let us know!
Have you ever purchased a comic or collectible that you paid too much for? Have any regrets? Walt and Chris have. That’s what they decide to talk about this week. Let us know what you think.
This week Chris and Walt have a couple of guest stars for the show. Shekky Feldstein joins to add his two cents. As well, we finally wrangle in the King, Jay Halstead, to talk about the longevity of intellectual properties.…
This week, Walt and Chris host a couple of guys at the warehouse for some talk about comics. Chris decides to hit record and well…. here you go. Let us know what you think of the show.
Hey all collectors and loyal listeners! This week Walt and Chris talk a little bit about two events coming up this week: Halloween and the Canadiana Auction on eBay through ICE Collectibles. The duo talks a little about experiences with…
Listen up loyal listeners! Today Chris decided to come up with 12 terrifying questions to test Walt’s knowledge of the comic collecting industry. Can you do better than Walt did? Did you keep track of the way Chris kept score?…
This week Chris turns the tables on Walt and starts grilling him about what he is collecting. What DOES go on in the brain that is Walt…? Scary stuff. As always let us know what you think about the show.…
Hey all, today Walt and Chris talk about their own collections. Walt grills Chris about his collections this week. Next week Chris will get back at Walt for all the questions. What are you collecting these days? Do you have…
Here’s a recent show we somehow didn’t upload! In this episode Chris and Walt try to peg the origins of us trying to keep our books minty mint. When did this obsession start. Please let us know what you thought…
This week the boys start back up off their summer hiatus: they discuss the joys and the pitfalls of moonshine and find a little time to talk comics too. Please let us know what you thought of the show, kindly…
This week Chris tells Walt all about this cool app Chris uses to help him in his comic book collecting, Walt seems a little lost at first but he comes around after hearing the benefits of these apps. Please let…
Last week Chris went to the Niagara Falls Comic Con. Walt didn’t go and has a thousand questions about the con. Listen in and get Chris’ full report of his first show of the year. Please let us know what…
This week Chris tries figure out why Walt isn’t doing any comic cons this year. Chris pokes, he prods, he reasons, he makes tons of good arguments for setting up at cons. The question is, will Walt listen? The show…