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A great comic provided by Image; check if your local comic shop is still servicing customers!
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
A great comic provided by Image; check if your local comic shop is still servicing customers!
Following a look at the current state of new comic buying and then how we got here, this time let’s look at what the near future brings. It’s been said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over…
Last time I lamented the current state of new comic buying. This time I’ll look at how we got to this point, from a high-level perspective. Whole books have been written on this subject so I’ll only be skimming the…
I was speaking with someone the other day about comics. They’ve been a comic reader for a few years and was upset because they couldn’t make it into their local comic shop on Wednesday to get their new comics. I…
On my trip to New York, New York earlier this month I had the chance to visit the Society Of Illustrators and see two exhibits. The Art of The Avengers and Other Heroes and Tales from the Crypt: The Revolutionary Art…
Fake News! Long before that phrase was coined there was J. Jonah Jameson, and long before J.J., there would be others spreading their version of the truth. It was through the pages of the Amazing Spider-Man as a youngster maybe…
I attended the Baltimore Comic*Con this past weekend, September 28-30, with a group of comic collectors and buyers. Over the years I had heard this was a comic-centric show with little pop culture: a “serious” show for comic collectors. There were…
The 48th Overstreet Price Guide arrived at comic shops a week and a half ago, and I finally had a chance to dive into my copy this weekend. I know I am probably known here as one of Comicbookdaily’s bigger…
As any long-time collector of comics will tell you, sometimes we can be exhibit some pretty quirky collecting traits, likes and dislikes. I have known collectors who would only collect $0.12 covers, #1’s, by grade-mint comics only regardless of genre…
One of the oldest and most frequent questions debated around comic shops is “when does the Silver age of comics end and the Bronze age begin”. There are always different opinions and some lively debate in terms of people defending…
Anyone who glances at my reviews here and elsewhere can see I don’t read mainstream superhero comics: instead I like newspapers strips, translated European works, and art books. Even here on Comic Book Daily I’m swimming against the norm. Every…
I ran across this great 1974 article reprinted from Inside Comics titled The Comics Code: 20 Years Of Self-Strangulation? It was the comments from Leonard Darvin, who worked for the Comics Code, that struck me. I’ve added his comments in italics,…
My son and I attended the Forest City Comicon and afterwards wandered over to Heroes Comics. We spent a good amount of time in their discounted second floor, perusing and meandering around the shelves and boxes of comics. We have…
Last week a small corner of the comics internet exploded over an article on The Comics Journal about Craig Yoe Books. Here’s a salient quote that sets the tone. The hardcovers discharged monthly by the IDW imprint Yoe Books have…
Another year, another Fan Expo. Like most of this decade, I hummed and hawed about going. In the end I decided it was worth the trip as my nine-year old son John hadn’t been before; he’s been to all the…
Jack Kirby would be celebrating his 100th birthday this year, today in fact, and as deserved it’s a comic book celebration. I started collecting comics in 1980 and lucked into finding a great back issue resource at a local flea…
I had lunch with a friend Saturday who had an extra ticket for the Niagara Falls Comic Con and asked if I’d like to join him. With no plans that day and a free ticket who could say no? He…
Another amazing Toronto Comic Arts Festival, or TCAF, this past weekend. It’s a free show in a wonderful space, so there’s nothing to hold a reader back from attending. As has become our tradition my son and I attend Saturday…
In 2012 I noticed I was buying far more comic books than I was reading. I love a good sale and tend to pick up books I wasn’t willing to pay full price for, but was willing to give it…
Two disparate articles from OZY and The Simple Dollar have recently put me to task on my hobby of choice, reading. First, here’s a definition of tsundoku. “Tsundoku” (n.) is the condition of acquiring reading materials but letting them pile up…